Board tiger on HMRC -OM report


Level: Roy Burton
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And still he won't do anything other than reactively bullshtting us about the cash flow issues.

Still nothing about the plans for the club, the make up of the board or any of the other issues.

Either he doesn't have a plan, doesn't have the resources or doesn't give a fk about the fans involvement in the club. Or all of the above.
I actually find him pathetic now, he thinks we lap up his bullshit!
to attempt to get some semblance of coherent replies to the (still) outstanding questions raised in the Oxvox open letter, if radio oxford has a deluge of texts, tweets, emails and calls(?) etc asking for the oxvox questions to be answered on their new Ask Tiger show , thurday, broadcast at 5.45pm , but, I believe itll be pre recorded,, maybe, just maybe there might be a hint of clarity to even one or two of the(outstanding) oxvox questions?

worth a try methinks
But still Robinson doesn’t say anything alluding to difficulties resulting in the the ownership of the club. Senior players are making noises displaying their frustrations and discontent but it’s still very much a united front as far as the manager is concerned.
It is extraordinary that an employer/business owner does not understand PAYE and the HMRC procedures. Alternatively, given that Tiger is not from this country, it is just as extraordinary that his appointed finance director and managing director have not advised him of the club's obligations.
To then stand before the press and state that because he had made "arrangements" with HMRC, none of this should have happened is just borderline insanity.
As two accountants explained on Radox, this happens every month. You have to have sufficient funds in the bank. You ought to have contingency funding for the "unexpected" and, you ought to let someone who knows what they are doing run things for you. (like a finance director and managing director perhaps?)
It is extraordinary that an employer/business owner does not understand PAYE and the HMRC procedures. Alternatively, given that Tiger is not from this country, it is just as extraordinary that his appointed finance director and managing director have not advised him of the club's obligations.
To then stand before the press and state that because he had made "arrangements" with HMRC, none of this should have happened is just borderline insanity.
As two accountants explained on Radox, this happens every month. You have to have sufficient funds in the bank. You ought to have contingency funding for the "unexpected" and, you ought to let someone who knows what they are doing run things for you. (like a finance director and managing director perhaps?)

Pretty much this in a nutshell. And while we're at it, maybe set the date for payment a couple of days earlier in the accounting system (I'm not au fait with bookkeeping but seems to be a sensible approach, no?)
I wonder if monies received from the EFL this week had been earmarked for HMRC and came in a day later than expected. It was earlier this week that Bolton had their transfer embargo lifted 'due to payments due from the EFL, being sent direct to the clubs they owed money to''. You can assume that if Bolton had a payment, then all the EFL clubs would have received one. Probably a share out from sponsorship or the money we get from the Premier League. If this is the case, then not only are we operating on a shoestring, but more importantly there was no money available from Thailand or anywhere else to call on. ......... Worrying, but not surprising.
I thought it was revealing that when asked if the club should have a contingency fund available to the club (presumably in this country) so they could deal with such 'unexpected' matters quickly, there was a flat 'No'.

The team's performance was excellent today, the chairman's was as muddled and exasperating as ever.
It seems we’re very much leading a hand-to-mouth existence at the moment.

No way to run a business of any description.
The end of the interview on RadOx was worrying, when his response to being asked if the sensible thing to do given recent events would be to bring in excess cash at bank so that we have a buffer, he simply replied “No.”

The performance and result today was really great, by my god, this guy is concerning.
to attempt to get some semblance of coherent replies to the (still) outstanding questions raised in the Oxvox open letter, if radio oxford has a deluge of texts, tweets, emails and calls(?) etc asking for the oxvox questions to be answered on their new Ask Tiger show , thurday, broadcast at 5.45pm , but, I believe itll be pre recorded,, maybe, just maybe there might be a hint of clarity to even one or two of the(outstanding) oxvox questions?

worth a try methinks
You know the forum on Radio Oxford will be like ask Ashton. We will all be waiting with baited breath for the important questions (in this case HMRC etc) to be asked but instead it will be Bob from Wantage would like to know what your favourite colour is!
We are not hearing any stories of other creditors not being paid so that's a slight plus I suppose. The accountant guy on rad ox gave a very clear explanation of the taxman's deadlines and expectations and was certain this latest court notification would be in relation to the November PAYE. Don't know whether it's a cultural issue that you don't have monies ready to pay or you don't have enough and have overstretched. Tigers interview
convinced me it was the latter I so hope I am wrong.
Worried Tiger talking crap just have feeling he is Potless just can't work it out rich guys on the Board not Investing the Money if they want to take us to the Championship ?. Chap on Rad Oxford phone in said why r they hear good shout just have gut feeling it's all going to end in tears and Tiger will sell at a large profit ?. Just hope hope I have it all wrong.
I wonder what the meltdown will be if there is another winding up order on the horizon, I think the best we can hope for is tiger moves on and let the real people behind this take their project forward properly.
Yep. *^ another one happening very soon.. shambles
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