Is it just me or does Tiger sound as confused about everything as the rest of us..?Far from convincing.
It is extraordinary that an employer/business owner does not understand PAYE and the HMRC procedures. Alternatively, given that Tiger is not from this country, it is just as extraordinary that his appointed finance director and managing director have not advised him of the club's obligations.
To then stand before the press and state that because he had made "arrangements" with HMRC, none of this should have happened is just borderline insanity.
As two accountants explained on Radox, this happens every month. You have to have sufficient funds in the bank. You ought to have contingency funding for the "unexpected" and, you ought to let someone who knows what they are doing run things for you. (like a finance director and managing director perhaps?)
You know the forum on Radio Oxford will be like ask Ashton. We will all be waiting with baited breath for the important questions (in this case HMRC etc) to be asked but instead it will be Bob from Wantage would like to know what your favourite colour is!to attempt to get some semblance of coherent replies to the (still) outstanding questions raised in the Oxvox open letter, if radio oxford has a deluge of texts, tweets, emails and calls(?) etc asking for the oxvox questions to be answered on their new Ask Tiger show , thurday, broadcast at 5.45pm , but, I believe itll be pre recorded,, maybe, just maybe there might be a hint of clarity to even one or two of the(outstanding) oxvox questions?
worth a try methinks