The biggest problem the hoax theory has is a lack of realistic Motive for hoaxing it in the first place. If they realised it was impossible to land on the Moon, then they could have just cancelled the missions, instead of taking on such a huge pointless risky cover up.
Governments cover things up all the time. But always
after something embarrassing has happened. Not before.
I can help with one or two of your questions though.
No stars - The side of the Moon they landed on always faces the Earth. Think how bright a full Moon is, the Earth is 4 times larger and 2/3 covered in reflective water. This puts our side of the moon in purpetual daylight from the reflection on the Earth, plus there is even more daylight during the half of the month it faces the sun. In other words you can't see any stars because it's daylight.
Walking down the Ladder. I'm not sure I fully understand you question, but if your referring to 2 shadows, then that's explained above as well with Earthlight and Sunlight at the same time (bit like you get in a football stadium)
But if really want to convince yourself then watch what the Chinese have to say about it. They are currently doing a lot of research on the Moon with satellites and Probes with an aim to sending someone there. They will undoubtedly be all over the America equipment left up there, trying to get whatever information they can. And if it's not there then they will absolutely tell the world, because they are not going to pass up the opportunity For there man to be the first man on the moon.
I suspect we'll hear nothing from the Chinise on the mater confirming the Americans got there first
Some people just love de-bunking conspiracy theories. Makes'em look clever, doesn't it?! De-bunk these............
1. In all of the shots of the men on the moon, why can't you see any stars?
2. The steps of the moon lander are in the shadow of the sun. Why, then, is the astronaut coming down these steps shown in perfect, lit clarity?
3. Many photos of the astronauts on the moon show their back-packs without aerials poking out. How did they manage to talk to each other on their radios, like the many footages purportedly show they did?
4. What size batteries did they use, to power their transmitters, when they gave live transmissions back to Earth?
5. Where were the transmitters on the moon, when they gave these live transmissions? Why was there no time-delay in the transmissions?
6. If you watch carefully, you can see on one of the official NASA films, two astronuats supposedly bouncing up and down on the moon's surface up to "Four feet high" without first bending their knees to get a good 'purchase'. How is that possible, without using a trampoline?
7. If you watch the astronauts walking on the moon, they appear to bounce up and down as they move around. Something to do with the lack of gravity, apparantly. Funny, that. If you speed up the footage, they appear to walk around exactly as you would, on.................Earth. How come?
Quite a few photos have a coloured stain on them. This was supposedly caused by orange juice inside the astronaut who took the photos's helmet leaking out onto the camera. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but if there was a way that juice could leak out of their helmets, there would also be a way of harmful radiation leaking inside as well, which would kill a human instantly, in the open vacuum of space........true?
8. There's no atmosphere on the moon. No atmosphere means no noise. How come, then, can you hear a 'clunk clunk clunk' sound, when you see the astronauts banging posts into the ground?
9. On the reflection of one of the astronauts, there is what could be described as a light that they use, when making films. You know the ones; with four flap-like shields around it. How come?
10. One of the films they released shows one of the astronauts on the way to the moon, with earth shown in the window, which experts have deducted was around two hundred miles away. Later day, he was shown supposedly walking on the moon. But it took around three days to get to the moon. How is this possible?
11. The space-craft was travelling at supposedly around 3,000 miles an hour. Yet when they got within a relatively short distance from the moon, the video shown depicts the craft moving really slowly above the surface. Watch it try and work that one out.
12. Who took the video of the moon lander leaving the moon for the return journey?
13. Why were there no signs of any landing blast under the moon lander?
14. Why is Jeremy Corbyn still leader of the Labour Party?
The biggest problem the hoax theory has is a lack of realistic Motive for hoaxing it in the first place. If they realised it was impossible to land on the Moon, then they could have just cancelled the missions, instead of taking on such a huge pointless risky cover up.
Governments cover things up all the time. But always
after something embarrassing has happened. Not before.
I can help with one or two of your questions though.
No stars - The side of the Moon they landed on always faces the Earth. Think how bright a full Moon is, the Earth is 4 times larger and 2/3 covered in reflective water. This puts our side of the moon in purpetual daylight from the reflection on the Earth, plus there is even more daylight during the half of the month it faces the sun. In other words you can't see any stars because it's daylight.
Walking down the Ladder. I'm not sure I fully understand you question, but if your referring to 2 shadows, then that's explained above as well with Earthlight and Sunlight at the same time (bit like you get in a football stadium)
But if really want to convince yourself then watch what the Chinese have to say about it. They are currently doing a lot of research on the Moon with satellites and Probes with an aim to sending someone there. They will undoubtedly be all over the America equipment left up there, trying to get whatever information they can. And if it's not there then they will absolutely tell the world, because they are not going to pass up the opportunity For there man to be the first man on the moon.
I suspect we'll hear nothing from the Chinise on the mater confirming the Americans got there first