The Priory

I’m sure K@££@m would love to transfer the lease to the trust.

It needs a quarter of a million pounds spent on it as it’s a fully repairing lease!
They or is it “we” now are obviously discussing it, as in the last meeting notes it was mentioned that Kassam had offered Oxvox the opportunity to take over the lease

Good morning Mr Chairman elect :cool: of course Kassam would love Oxvox to take over the lease, but they are not that gullible. I not saying that Oxvox should own or manage the Priory, but should make it public that they throw their wholehearted support behind the council planners.
Looking at the Chancellors website it seems that the lease is still available!
They or is it “we” now are obviously discussing it, as in the last meeting notes it was mentioned that Kassam had offered Oxvox the opportunity to take over the lease

Good morning Mr Chairman elect :cool: of course Kassam would love Oxvox to take over the lease, but they are not that gullible. I not saying that Oxvox should own or manage the Priory, but should make it public that they throw their wholehearted support behind the council planners.

Obviously, which is why I’m sure they/we turned down the offer. But it does mean that it is being discussed
If you are a member of 'the trust' then of course you can and should contact them with that opinion or bring it up at the next meeting. I suspect many would share the view that it is a really important issue to the supporters and a much missed asset to match day enjoyment but to claim it is more important than the stadium frankly detracts from the topic and makes your post sound like yet another attempt to further your slightly confusing agenda. Are you actually saying that you feel 'the trust' (I assume you are referring to OxVox) should shunt aside all other issues to prioritise The Priory? Would you be happy that we drifted into a position in which we had no option but to renew at the same rate for the Kassam as long as you were able to enjoy it all from the comfort of the local pub? It seems to me that action is being taken by OxVox with regards to The Priory and also some fantastic leg work by @PC and @Sarge and others that you could get involved in if the point of your post really is to help? Have you tried?

I am a member of the trust and have been for a very long time. I wholeheartedly believe that continuing dialogue between Oxvox and Kassam is and has been a complete waste of time and has given Kassam wriggle room. The fact is that we are no further forward after two years than we were before. Kassam imo has no intention of selling the stadium unless he gets EVERTHING HE wants from any deal and that’s not viable as eloquently explained by the co-opted committee member Mr S Donald. Charlie and others have made many posts regarding the stadium and they have highlighted a number of issues.

I, 100% agree with your reference re Sarge and PC, but they are individuals and not the voice of 1000 members, which you must agree will carry much more influence. Kassam has controlled the agenda for far to long. It’s about time the club took the lead on the future of the stadium as they are the licence holders and it is them that pay the bills. More effort should be put into finding an alternative site that has the backing of the County Council. The one good thing Oxvox did achieve was to slap a Community Order in the form of the RTB on Kassam, thus giving Oxvox a chance to challenge any possible future sale which could be deemed detrimental to the club.
I am a member of the trust and have been for a very long time. I wholeheartedly believe that continuing dialogue between Oxvox and Kassam is and has been a complete waste of time and has given Kassam wriggle room. The fact is that we are no further forward after two years than we were before. Kassam imo has no intention of selling the stadium unless he gets EVERTHING HE wants from any deal and that’s not viable as eloquently explained by the co-opted committee member Mr S Donald. Charlie and others have made many posts regarding the stadium and they have highlighted a number of issues.

I, 100% agree with your reference re Sarge and PC, but they are individuals and not the voice of 1000 members, which you must agree will carry much more influence. Kassam has controlled the agenda for far to long. It’s about time the club took the lead on the future of the stadium as they are the licence holders and it is them that pay the bills. More effort should be put into finding an alternative site that has the backing of the County Council. The one good thing Oxvox did achieve was to slap a Community Order in the form of the RTB on Kassam, thus giving Oxvox a chance to challenge any possible future sale which could be deemed detrimental to the club.

Am I right in saying that the RTB is the Right To Bid (not Buy), and that if Kassam wants to sell to someone there's nothing in the RTB that could stop him, but would just delay for 6(?) months any sale?
They or is it “we” now are obviously discussing it, as in the last meeting notes it was mentioned that Kassam had offered Oxvox the opportunity to take over the lease

Looking at what aspects, Dave?

Seems to me there are 2 separate issues: restoring the Priory to a 'livable' or 'usable' condition, i.e. fixing inside and outside, then it's subsequent use.

With regard to restoration, it doesn't seem to make much sense that OxVox (I am a member. too, btw) take a stronger position than generally supporting this by lobbying the planning authorities, taken in isolation.

The question of use is, in a way, the hard one to solve. I think it;s a fair guess that Kassam has explored a number of potential uses (adjunct to hotel, standalone bar / restaurant, offices and I don't know what) and found that they either won't fund the restoration or will require changes the planners won't permit, hence he's hawking the lease around. The last proven success was when the Priory became the de facto match-day club house, with marquee, guest beers and capacity; but it didn't start like that, the Rackhams' hard work and invention made it work over several years.

Therefore I'm not surprised Kassam has involved OxVox. What can Oxvox do? Take the lease with the restoration costs hanging over it? Madness. Guarantee to sub-lease from Kassam after the works are done? Sounds bloody risky and how will Oxvox pay for the expertise to develop and manage the 'pub' business? That's not what OxVox is for.

I'm not sure how you see OxVox 'helping' other than as a cheerleader?
They or is it “we” now are obviously discussing it, as in the last meeting notes it was mentioned that Kassam had offered Oxvox the opportunity to take over the lease

Looking at what aspects, Dave?

Seems to me there are 2 separate issues: restoring the Priory to a 'livable' or 'usable' condition, i.e. fixing inside and outside, then it's subsequent use.

With regard to restoration, it doesn't seem to make much sense that OxVox (I am a member. too, btw) take a stronger position than generally supporting this by lobbying the planning authorities, taken in isolation.

The question of use is, in a way, the hard one to solve. I think it;s a fair guess that Kassam has explored a number of potential uses (adjunct to hotel, standalone bar / restaurant, offices and I don't know what) and found that they either won't fund the restoration or will require changes the planners won't permit, hence he's hawking the lease around. The last proven success was when the Priory became the de facto match-day club house, with marquee, guest beers and capacity; but it didn't start like that, the Rackhams' hard work and invention made it work over several years.

Therefore I'm not surprised Kassam has involved OxVox. What can Oxvox do? Take the lease with the restoration costs hanging over it? Madness. Guarantee to sub-lease from Kassam after the works are done? Sounds bloody risky and how will Oxvox pay for the expertise to develop and manage the 'pub' business? That's not what OxVox is for.

I'm not sure how you see OxVox 'helping' other than as a cheerleader?

I didn’t say they should be helping Paul, I was replying to tai chi who said it should be top of their list. I don’t agree that it should be top, was merely commenting that it is at least on the list, as they have had discussions over it. For me on a personal level I wouldn’t get into it as I think the dream situation for a supporters bar would be the one always intended I believe at the top of the east stand with the glass looking out over the pitch. With profits going back to the club. Far less cost to set up than restoring the priory. And while Oxvox could put their backing behind the Council I’m not sure what it would achieve, as it could still result in it being nothing more than the intended restaurant to the hotel if he is forced to restore it, and nothing to the benefit of Oufc
I am a member of the trust and have been for a very long time. I wholeheartedly believe that continuing dialogue between Oxvox and Kassam is and has been a complete waste of time and has given Kassam wriggle room. The fact is that we are no further forward after two years than we were before. Kassam imo has no intention of selling the stadium unless he gets EVERTHING HE wants from any deal and that’s not viable as eloquently explained by the co-opted committee member Mr S Donald. Charlie and others have made many posts regarding the stadium and they have highlighted a number of issues.

I, 100% agree with your reference re Sarge and PC, but they are individuals and not the voice of 1000 members, which you must agree will carry much more influence. Kassam has controlled the agenda for far to long. It’s about time the club took the lead on the future of the stadium as they are the licence holders and it is them that pay the bills. More effort should be put into finding an alternative site that has the backing of the County Council. The one good thing Oxvox did achieve was to slap a Community Order in the form of the RTB on Kassam, thus giving Oxvox a chance to challenge any possible future sale which could be deemed detrimental to the club.

And I wouldn't attempt to dissuade you from that opinion. It is wholly possible that Kassam has no intention of selling or making a deal with OxVox or Tiger or anyone else but to suggest that by negotiating and trying to seek some sort of resolution to this issue that OxVox have strengthened his hand is unfair. I have argued for some time (I even started a thread about it) that we need to pool the collective knowledge and expertise of the fan base to try to solve this problem, be that under the OxVox banner or as a separate group. To my mind all options should be explored including dialogue with Kassam and assessing the viability of potential new sites. It's time the finger pointing and back biting stopped and we bagan to utilise the fantastic resources we have to hand and the huge will amongst supporters to make something happen before we drift into a situation where we have no option but to renew the licence. This I would suggest should be higher on the OxVox priority list than The Priory. Your suggestion to the contrary is confusing as you seem to have strong views on the stadium. As to the Priory I tend to agree with @PC that it would be an incredibly risky venture for us as a supporters trust to be involved with on a lease arrangement but it shouldn't stop us investigating what is proposed and lending our support to this cause. An open and functioning Priory on match days would be a huge bonus to the fans and the rescuing of an important historic building would be of benefit to the community at large.
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I didn’t say they should be helping Paul, I was replying to tai chi who said it should be top of their list. I don’t agree that it should be top, was merely commenting that it is at least on the list, as they have had discussions over it. For me on a personal level I wouldn’t get into it as I think the dream situation for a supporters bar would be the one always intended I believe at the top of the east stand with the glass looking out over the pitch. With profits going back to the club. Far less cost to set up than restoring the priory. And while Oxvox could put their backing behind the Council I’m not sure what it would achieve, as it could still result in it being nothing more than the intended restaurant to the hotel if he is forced to restore it, and nothing to the benefit of Oufc

Yes, dear. And I didn't say you said they should. Rest of the post seems to place us in agreement.
We were talking about the Priory on Saturday. Now that the hotel car park has been built next to it, the main match day space of the marquee and picnic tables has been taken away, and so the possibility of it ever being a supporters' bar like in the past has long gone.
Like with everything, Mr Kassam is sadly one step ahead of everyone !
We were talking about the Priory on Saturday. Now that the hotel car park has been built next to it, the main match day space of the marquee and picnic tables has been taken away, and so the possibility of it ever being a supporters' bar like in the past has long gone.

Yeah, but at least the car park is in keeping with the Priory.

14th March was the deadline for comments etc on the stadium landlord and Priory leasees application to extend doing repairs to the Priory ( another few months and the tax exile will have had his 6-month extension by default)

it seems any decision is still pending?

let home Oxford City Council ( 'owners' of the GRADE 2 listed Priory) don't start getting ideas from elsewhere in the county, where
apparently, GRADE 2 listed actually means jackshit!:cautious:

14th March was the deadline for comments etc on the stadium landlord and Priory leasees application to extend doing repairs to the Priory ( another few months and the tax exile will have had his 6-month extension by default)

it seems any decision is still pending?

let home Oxford City Council ( 'owners' of the GRADE 2 listed Priory) don't start getting ideas from elsewhere in the county, where
apparently, GRADE 2 listed actually means jackshit!:cautious:

Tbf, changing the bridge in Steventon is necessary whereas Kassam's treatment of the Priory isn't and is about saving himself money.

As an aside the comments on the Steventon article are quite amusing.
Info on listings categories:
Categories of listed buildings

  • Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest, only 2.5% of listed buildings are Grade I
  • Grade II* buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest; 5.8% of listed buildings are Grade II*
  • Grade II buildings are of special interest; 91.7% of all listed buildings are in this class and it is the most likely grade of listing for a home owner.

Info on EH, whence I copied the stuff above.
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