They or is it “we” now are obviously discussing it, as in the last meeting notes it was mentioned that Kassam had offered Oxvox the opportunity to take over the lease
Looking at what aspects, Dave?
Seems to me there are 2 separate issues: restoring the Priory to a 'livable' or 'usable' condition, i.e. fixing inside and outside, then it's subsequent use.
With regard to restoration, it doesn't seem to make much sense that OxVox (I am a member. too, btw) take a stronger position than generally supporting this by lobbying the planning authorities, taken in isolation.
The question of use is, in a way, the hard one to solve. I think it;s a fair guess that Kassam has explored a number of potential uses (adjunct to hotel, standalone bar / restaurant, offices and I don't know what) and found that they either won't fund the restoration or will require changes the planners won't permit, hence he's hawking the lease around. The last proven success was when the Priory became the de facto match-day club house, with marquee, guest beers and capacity; but it didn't start like that, the Rackhams' hard work and invention made it work over several years.
Therefore I'm not surprised Kassam has involved OxVox. What can Oxvox do? Take the lease with the restoration costs hanging over it? Madness. Guarantee to sub-lease from Kassam after the works are done? Sounds bloody risky and how will Oxvox pay for the expertise to develop and manage the 'pub' business? That's not what OxVox is for.
I'm not sure how you see OxVox 'helping' other than as a cheerleader?