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The Priory


Well-known member
Firstly, apologies if this is old news. I noticed a Chancellors board by the Priory yesterday. I can't do links but a search using "Chancellors Grenoble Road" reveals that the Priory is available to rent. Is this FK sub-letting or the City Council allowing FK to avoid doing the place up "before opening the new hotel" - you know, the one that opened months ago?

LINK TO COMMENT: http://public.oxford.gov.uk/online-...ils.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=P5KM97MFGWP00
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Surely the owner has an obligation to make sure the building is in a rentable position!
Astounding to note that on the same page there is an advert for a restaurant in the "Ozone" at £55,000 pa. So, 5 grand less for a fully kitted out restaurant as opposed to a near derelict building with restricted access and parking!!
Kassam or more accurately Firoka has a full repairing lease on the Priory.

Anyone know when the lease expires - or has it done so already?
as far as Im aware it was a 99 year lease (issued by Oxford City Council) from before the breeze block opening. So some years on the lease have passed, and there are many more left to run.

Im too lazy to go back to the old YF, but on at least one of the many threads about The Priory there is probably much more accurate information regarding how long the lease has left to run
There are, and I am too.

However Maurice E, Sarge and I photographed the place about 3 years ago, when the archaeology was being done on the farm prior to the development of the Hilton. Some or all of us took it up with then English Heritage.

At the time the development started I was informed by EH that the planning req to refurbished the Priory before work commenced on the hotel had been changed to before it opened so that the lessee (OGB) could refurbish the whole building not just the facade. The lease was to be extended from ~67 back to 99 years so the lessee could recoup the costs more fully - I'm not clear if this was done or not.

This didn't happen and I (reprehensibly) stopped being a pain in the a**e to the great and good.

I don't need to tell what didn't happen. I think I detailed all this with the email and links on the old forum. I managed through incompetence to file a lot of old emails in write-only memory so I doubt I can find that one again.
There are, and I am too.

However Maurice E, Sarge and I photographed the place about 3 years ago, when the archaeology was being done on the farm prior to the development of the Hilton. Some or all of us took it up with then English Heritage.

At the time the development started I was informed by EH that the planning req to refurbished the Priory before work commenced on the hotel had been changed to before it opened so that the lessee (OGB) could refurbish the whole building not just the facade. The lease was to be extended from ~67 back to 99 years so the lessee could recoup the costs more fully - I'm not clear if this was done or Replynot.

This didn't happen and I (reprehensibly) stopped being a pain in the a**e to the great and good.

I don't need to tell what didn't happen. I think I detailed all this with the email and links on the old forum. I managed through incompetence to file a lot of old emails in write-only memory so I doubt I can find that one again.

the wide ranging influence of our one time chairman and current landlord has over a multitute of authorities and official bodies , (who, it seems are utterly toothless when dealing with him), seems to me to be more inticate than an internationally spanning spidersweb of intrigue..... perhaps one day an investigative journalist will reveal just how OUFCs current Landlord appears to have total immunity to legislation and laws that apply to mere mortals!

Oxford City Council asserteted that reburshment to the Priory would have to be carried out prior (ha!) to a hotel being built alongside it. Made sure that happened didnt they?

Continually banging your head against a metaphorical solid brick wall built and maintained by Oxford City Council and various preservation societies and pressure groups when it comes to pointing out THIER failings eventually induces a metaphorically matching mofo of a migrane:sick:


I had a plough through my email and found this (names redacted) from 6 October 2014, about 4 months after I received the message that given the dealings ongoing 'all will be well'.

Dear Mr Cannell,,

I have now had opportunity to consult <person y> about the ongoing situation with the Priory.

He believes and I agree, that, given the lack of progress that David has heard reported at the most recent liaison meetings with OCC, we should reconsider our decision not to add the Priory to the Register.

I will therefore add it to the agenda at our next Local Leadership Team meeting for discussion. This will take place towards the end of October, and I will report back to you after that.

Best wishes,

<person x>

I didn't get a report back and I didn't chase.

I will see if I can follow it up this week.
the wide ranging influence of our one time chairman and current landlord has over a multitute of authorities and official bodies , (who, it seems are utterly toothless when dealing with him), seems to me to be more inticate than an internationally spanning spidersweb of intrigue..... perhaps one day an investigative journalist will reveal just how OUFCs current Landlord appears to have total immunity to legislation and laws that apply to mere mortals!

Oxford City Council asserteted that reburshment to the Priory would have to be carried out prior (ha!) to a hotel being built alongside it. Made sure that happened didnt they?

Continually banging your head against a metaphorical solid brick wall built and maintained by Oxford City Council and various preservation societies and pressure groups when it comes to pointing out THIER failings eventually induces a metaphorically matching mofo of a migrane:sick:

Yeah. Shall we try again? (anyone who wants to help and is more tenacious than me, I'll share the info I have).
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