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The gay footballer on twitter

the account has been deleted on twitter, the last tweet was "I thought I was stronger. I was wrong", hope this wasn't a joke account and if true - hope he gets the support he needs and continues playing to best of his ability.
The cynic in me thinks the whole thing was B.S. I really hope it wasn't.

The "player" seemed ready to announce this, but holding off at, possibly the club's request?

Now seems he has lost the momentum to announce it, which is sad.
I am really amazed that anyone is particularly bothered in this day and age. If it some sort of silly 'hoax', shame on the hoaxer.
I am really amazed that anyone is particularly bothered in this day and age. If it some sort of silly 'hoax', shame on the hoaxer.

You say that and I agree the sentiment is right.

But look at the rubbish and bigotry being spouted by opponents of the equality lessons in schools in Birmingham. And there are plenty more looking to jump on the same bandwagon, with Catholic fundamentalists looking to join the Islamic fundamentalists. Sadly, bigotry is alive and kicking.
You say that and I agree the sentiment is right.

But look at the rubbish and bigotry being spouted by opponents of the equality lessons in schools in Birmingham. And there are plenty more looking to jump on the same bandwagon, with Catholic fundamentalists looking to join the Islamic fundamentalists. Sadly, bigotry is alive and kicking.
I totally agree. People seem to think they can hold negative attitutes toward LGBT, but because they regard themselves as religious, they think it is acceptable and they are not bigots.

There was a Muslim woman on Newsnight who said "I'm not a homophobe, but in my culture we do not accept homosexuality as a legitimate relationship"

There's two things here - Number 1 - You are in the UK now, and in British culture, we tolerate people regardless of gender, religion, age, beliefs and sexual orientation. If you are not prepared to accept that, then maybe you should consider emigrating to a country that does fit in with your beliefs. And number 2 - You ARE a homophobe.

And it's not just Muslims either - Israel Folau, a devout Christian, was quite rightly sacked by Rugby Australia for posting that 'Hell awaits homosexuals' on Twitter, and is now claiming he is being discriminated against for expressing his religious beliefs.
It is important that gay people come out if they feel able to. As a result most of us now know some gay people and it’s no longer an odd’ other thing. There may not be hundreds of gay pro footballers - but there will certainly be several

I would imagine there are hundreds
Ah yes, I had discounted the believers in magic, invisible, all-powerful sky fairies. I wonder why I thought their judgement might be a bit askew?

I find it interesting that those politicians who make a point of allowing their religious beliefs to influence their political lives are always so interested in the 'sexy' bits of the bible, using quotes to back up their policies.

Homosexuality - BAN IT - THE BIBLE SAYS IT'S A SIN.
Abortion - BAN IT - Force Women to keep babies regardless of the circumstances - IT'S IN THE BIBLE

But when it comes to the "charitable" bits of policy, well it's a different story...

"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11

Starving children because of austerity - couldn't give a f**k, make them use food banks.
People in comas being told to find work and having their benefits removed - scroungers.

The likes of Rees-Mogg and Widdicombe make me sick, using their warped idea of religion to suit their own political beliefs.

In Leviticus 19:19 it says:

“Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee"

Now I might have missed it, but have any of these religious politicians tried to pass laws preventing clothing being made from both linen and wool?

Here endeth the lesson...
If a politician cannot swear that they will not allow their religious beliefs to affect their decisions while in office, they should be barred from standing.

This is a secular country and religion should play no part in setting policy.
Number 1 - You are in the UK now, and in British culture, we tolerate people regardless of gender, religion, age, beliefs and sexual orientation. If you are not prepared to accept that, then maybe you should consider emigrating to a country that does fit in with your beliefs.

I understand your sentiments, but not only is this wishful thinking for some but you also contradict yourself by saying that we tolerate other beliefs but then someone should emigrate if they hold different beliefs.

Sadly, in the UK we still have a number of people (of all ages, genders, races, religions and sexual orientation) who do not tolerate others. Some are very open about this, others are better at hiding their true feelings, but discrimination and intolerance still exist in all aspects of society.

Whilst I do think this was all a hoax, I am encouraged by the general support someone would have received had they come out as gay. I hope that if anyone in the game does have fears that something like this may give them the confidence to come out, and I hope that if they do they are widely supported. However I sadly feel that some opposition fans would have a field day and would turn the whole thing into something of a circus.
I understand your sentiments, but not only is this wishful thinking for some but you also contradict yourself by saying that we tolerate other beliefs but then someone should emigrate if they hold different beliefs.

Not wishing to speak on anyone's behalf but it's not a case of emigrating for holding beliefs, it's emigrating if acting upon those beliefs contradict UK laws.
I understand your sentiments, but not only is this wishful thinking for some but you also contradict yourself by saying that we tolerate other beliefs but then someone should emigrate if they hold different beliefs.
It really depends on what your beliefs are, and M said - not breaking the law or inciting hatred. If you believe that beheading 'infidels', invading other villages, raping 9 year old Yazidi girls, throwing homosexuals off of tall buildings is acceptable, then that is clearly at odds with British culture.

I'm not suggesting they should emigrate - I am merely suggesting that maybe they should consider moving to another country if it really makes them that angry. In Brunei they could perhaps get a ringside seat at one of the stoning ceremonies ;):mad:

The onus is not always on Britain to pander to other communities, but the challenge for Britain is to do it's best to try and integrate all communities - with no exceptions.
I dont particularly like Rugy ( both forms) or golf.... so I take no notice of those 'sports', it doesnt mean I want them eradicated, theyre popular with some people .... so my view is live n let live etc.... an approach that members of religions could perhaps consider adopting when it comes to matters other than sport?
I dont particularly like Rugy ( both forms) or golf.... so I take no notice of those 'sports', it doesnt mean I want them eradicated, theyre popular with some people .... so my view is live n let live etc.... an approach that members of religions could perhaps consider adopting when it comes to matters other than sport?
That would of course be for the best, Sarge. Unfortunately many (most) religions specifically state that it is a believer's duty to actively promote their creed (rather than just live by it) and that 'converting' non-believers/infidels/ignorant natives (choose your pejorative term!) is a major part of the 'faith' (to increase the power/wealth of that religion's leaders of course).

If another god-botherer knocks on my door in the next week telling me they have 'good news' for me, I may not be responsible for my actions!
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