Lets take a best case that we get Wilson (surely thats garbage but lest assume he came)
Garbs (he must right this moment be lamenting on the windfall he has had, but need to have a reality check that he might, if he has a great season, go to Championship @ 10k a week t - either way, he has to not see it as a pay cut but that he just hit the jackpot early, and play for what he is worth), Cadden (???), and in Nico Jones have "someone who can go right to the top" + the exquisite at times potentially the best player we have Shandon Baptiste, then with all due respect we need better than Sinclair up front. On paper such a strong side and with that depth in midfield and all options available, could seriously be tempting for someone who needs a great midfield and knows he can tear L1 apart with a 30+ goal season to resurrect his stalled career. What would be your starting side?????