Some BS of FB

The only other forum I'm a member of is 'Move Louth Forward' (MLF). Unfortunately, despite it's name, it's main purpose seems to be to keep Louth somewhere in the 1950s. Any decent suggestion about improving the town (ie pedestrianising part of the centre) seems to get the support of the same few posters, while the majority wrack their brains for unconvincing reasons to keep things exactly as they are.

One of the good things about this forum compared to MLF is that most topics - football related or not - attract a variety of views and create debate. Also, most people (but unfortunately not quite all) discuss topics intelligently and respectfully, despite differences of opinion often being clear.

...and it's only one letter short of MILF which is pretty cool.
The only other forum I'm a member of is the "Keep Louth in the 1760's" forum, which is currently riven with factions: one interpreting the name chronologically and organising green gym-type sessions to destroy seed drills and other new-fangled machinery, the other a Taureg group furious that the town was uprooted from it's original home in Chad by French imperialist forces and captured just off Bordeaux in, oddly, 1769.

There is, to my knowledge, no cross-over between the MLF, striving to drag Lout forward to the 1950s, and KLIT1760s.
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