Sol Campbell


Level: Chris Maguire
(79 Apps, 22 Gls)
Report in the Oxford Mail today that he applied and was rejected.

His attitude is appalling, claims that he is one of the best minds in football and that he'd pick things up within a few games. How arrogant?

Can't see him getting a club any time soon, very good player but clearly would have been given a chance by now if he was any good.
I was just about to post the same, who does he think he is!! LOL.

"I can't believe some people, I'm one of the greatest minds in football and I'm wasted because of a lack of experience or maybe he talks his mind too much."
I suspect Campbell would need a lot of day to day management, if anyone gave him the opportunity to manage a club.
Entitled, arrogant, up himself.

You may have been a fine player, Sol, but remember you earned that through hard work and natural ability. The same applies to management - show you can actually coach before stepping into the pressure cooker of progressional management.

Has this always been a problem it is indicative of players who played their trade in the PL era? The number of self-entitled ‘don’t you know who I am’ players seeking management on the back of their name is staggering. As mentioned, Sheringham and Ince. Giggs too.
Sol cambell leaving the Kassam after his interview

The article in the OM is hilarious. I read it wondering if it's a parody article.

Every time he opens his mouth to the media on the subject of becoming a manager he makes it less likely.

His best bet is to apply for a job at Smarts who would almost certainly be interested on account of the giant chip he carries around on his shoulder.

We gave him an interview, which some might not have, but his view on the feedback was "blah blah blah". Tells you all you need to know.
I was just about to post the same, who does he think he is!! LOL.

"I can't believe some people, I'm one of the greatest minds in football and I'm wasted because of a lack of experience or maybe he talks his mind too much."
Are we sure that that is actually a quote from Campbell, because it actually reads as though the article was put together by the guy from the Premier agency and this was his own thoughts, not Campbell's??
Here is the interview in full, I heard it last night, you need to skip to the hour mark for his comments on Oxford. Lucky swerve this one!

The main difference between Bellamy and Campbell is that Campbell says he doesn’t want to drop too low with his first job and Bellamy says he doesn’t care how low he starts as long as it’s a well run club and he’s allowed to build something. That’s the attitude you need and, ironically, means that Bellamy will start at a higher level than Campbell if he continues with that attitude
Having listened to this interview this guy is an absolute clown. I listened to his My Sporting Life with Danny Kelly on Talksport a while ago and he came across as a clown in that, this took him to a new level in my mind. The guy has an ego the size of the planet and heaven help any club that gives him a job
Genuinely astonishing!

The thing is, his comments about managing clubs 'at this level' not being that difficult show such a profound ignorance about the football league that any other club in England is surely now simply never going to hire him. He's totally shot himself in the foot! Managing e.g. Accrington Stanley is, of course, going to throw up different challenges to managing Manchester City - but how do you reckon Guardiola would get on on a shoestring budget, on a churned up pitch and with players incapable of playing his 'tiki take'? Was a big fan of Sol as a player but those are some very disappointing comments.
I almost feel sorry for him. He's clearly intellectually limited and living in a fantasy world regarding his potential management ability.
Lovely bit of comedy. Hopefully, now he's got the experience in that field he'll get a gig on Live at the Apollo.
For a counterfactual image (i.e. of what "might / could have been", and with potentially more disastrous consequences), look at Sol Campbell's behaviour when he signed as a player for Notts County in 2009 under Sven Goran Ericksson - he signed a five-year deal and quit after 5 weeks (and one game!). Admittedly, NCFC were a financial basket case under seriously deluded / corrupt ownership and "promises were broken" according to Campbell. However, the walk-out on his club and team mates towards the end of his playing career, and now this outburst of entitled narcissism, show he evidently doesn't have the courage of conviction or empathy to stick with a job and see it through in the lower leagues - What I intepret from his comments is that he would skank on us after 3 games if it wasn't to his liking...Condescending and deluded,
Wow... what an absolute tool!
Who the hell does he think he is. One of the greatest minds in Football lmfao.
So he doesn’t want to go too low because it’s hard.
He doesn’t want to work under a person with more experience.
He thinks managing at a low level is easy.
So easy in fact that it would only take a few games for him to have a team training in a way that they could go on to win the league. Amazing to think that all these managers and coaches currently employed by clubs don’t actually know how to train a team correctly!

He is probably mental!

I actually would like someone to give him a job (not us!) just to see him fail.

I wonder why nobody wants to give him a job? Oh yeah it must be the colour of his skin.
There’s been a few lower league jobs recently particularly within travelling distance of London (MK Dons, Southend) I wonder did he exclusively only apply for our job as I haven’t heard his name linked with the others, but I’d imagine he would of been interested? He sounds that stupid I could imagine him pulling the race card as the reason for not getting the Southend job!
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