Tickets Season Tickets & Memberships 24/25

Briefly from OxVox on the ticketing survey.

It's a joint project by us and OUSP and we're really trying (very trying, some would say!) to make sure you can feed back your thoughts on season tickets for 25/26.

We'd jointly like as many fans as possibly can to complete this survey by close of play on Wednesday.

The survey can be found at

We had many comments to OxVox when the various pricing and ticketing arrangements for this season were announced, and we have reactions from the early days of the season. We won't forget those comments but we are really keen to get a picture of how fans feel now that the season's arrangements have bedded in. I'm sure OUSP had the same experience.

OUSP worked on the initial survey, which we then helped refine, and it will help shape our discussions with the club. If you undertake this short survey in the next TWO days, then it will give us time to evaluate responses before we sit down with the club at the end of the month.

It's not a perfect survey, there's no such thing, but if it doesn't cover your concerns then please use the opportunities in the survey to give answers in your own words, or failing that directly email us on .
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