Rob Hall

I feel sorry for Hall but personally can’t see him play again.
Did post this back on 14th February, a bit presumptuous? Maybe, but I like Robbie and when fit he is an asset.
I do hope this time of for healing has made him the player he was and can come back and be challenging week on week out to start,
A pay as you play and an extension is probably the correct deal for him and I hope his extension is activated.
One final thing for that inept twerp Glover, I hope Robbie scores another goal like his sublime chip at the county ground of which I and another 2,500 Oxford supporters were left in raptures of euphoria on the Stratton Bank and that tweep Glover was crying along with the rest of the scum.
I don't think it's sinister. I think the club have publicly said they're reducing the playing budget, and they've probably privately recognised from last season they spent a lot on wages for injured players and cover for injured players (Hall, Obika, Holmes, Carruthers and then Mitchell came in when Easty was out), which'll be something to avoid next season.

Yeah, aware the player budget is supposedly reduced for this coming season, but I just felt the NOW word in Robbie’s comments meant more than this, but not sure exactly what.

Hopefully it’s not a prelude to something bigger.
I HOPE so.

I guess, I just hope we don’t have another financial year like the last one.
I should think none of us want to see a repeat of last year. but if Rob Hall is hinting at problems at the club surely he wouldn't have signed a new contract. If KR, physio etc thinks he's worth risking then other clubs would've been interested as well, so not like he's desperate.
I know as fans we dissect every comment and statement but really think your looking at something that isn't there
I’m glad Rob has re-signed a really good player, staying the obvious I just hope we can keep him fit.

This forum normally sponsors a player, how about Hall for next season? We normally pick a new player and they turn out shite...
Really hope Rob stays fit as he's a very good player. If he can then he'll be like a new signing, as will Baptiste.
I’m glad Rob has re-signed a really good player, staying the obvious I just hope we can keep him fit.

This forum normally sponsors a player, how about Hall for next season? We normally pick a new player and they turn out shite...
That would be the kiss of death for Rob Hall!!
What a team!
We were one quality striker away from the playoffs that season. Even just having McAleny in August rather than January probably would’ve been enough for the extra few points. What a day out this was, though. I was right behind the Hall shot and to this day I still don’t know how it went in. It seemed to drop several feet in an instant. Pure pandemonium.
We were one quality striker away from the playoffs that season. Even just having McAleny in August rather than January probably would’ve been enough for the extra few points. What a day out this was, though. I was right behind the Hall shot and to this day I still don’t know how it went in. It seemed to drop several feet in an instant. Pure pandemonium.

I think it was that day that the Swindon fan got led in front of the Oxford fans by Stewards/Police and had loads of cups etc thrown at him so they decided to turn back when there was less distance by finishing the original journey. So got pelted again with Cups etc on the return journey.
We were one quality striker away from the playoffs that season. Even just having McAleny in August rather than January probably would’ve been enough for the extra few points. What a day out this was, though. I was right behind the Hall shot and to this day I still don’t know how it went in. It seemed to drop several feet in an instant. Pure pandemonium.
Yes, I remember thinking as he hit it that it was a stupid shot, was going way over and why didn't he pass to Maguire! Amazing :)
We were one quality striker away from the playoffs that season. Even just having McAleny in August rather than January probably would’ve been enough for the extra few points. What a day out this was, though. I was right behind the Hall shot and to this day I still don’t know how it went in. It seemed to drop several feet in an instant. Pure pandemonium.

me n my youngest lad were too ...undercover' in the Town End ... not( obviously) celebrating that winning goal was one of the most difficult experiences Ive had. Ever
Please describe in detail the horror and heartbreak that was going on around you. I want to hear everything.
loads of yokel, gutteral ( incomprehensible) mutterings, the early hope the scummers held shattered into a million pieces with 2 quick fire goals from the mighty Us, a few carrot crunchers were leaving early after that screamer from Hall.... those few early leavers mutated into a torrent heading for the exits after Vigaroux's dismissal ..... while me younger lad whispering under his breath' dont say , or do, anything Dad, I mean it, just dont!' I didnt, albeit oh so very tempting :sneaky:;)
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