Media Price of Football Podcast - Interview with Tim Williams 26 July 2024

Pretty much what I expected..

Great PR for TW and good for his profile within the wider football industry.

But overall I felt it was quite a bland interview, with a load of the usual sound bites about community, mistakes made / lessons learnt etc. Had a chuckle to myself when he mentioned interacting with OUSP and Oxvox - am sure I just read in the latest Oxvox update that the club engaged with them far too late in the process for them to share their views on things like the recent membership schemes.

If TW has time for POF no doubt he’s got time for a similar interview with Radio Oxford, and when he does hopefully there will be some more probing questions.
I have just listened to to the podcast.

The first two things that sprang to mind were 'blimey TW can talk' and the second was 'the bloke supposedly interviewing him might as well not be there'.

I can't say it was hugely enlightening really. TW said a lot of the right things about the stadium, the club etc - but I think we have all come to see that there is a difference between the talk and what actually gets done (properly). It did strike me that this was the first time I have heard him him say much at all for months - and would rather that had been on something more aimed directly at OUFC supporters that this. But as it is, I think I will judge TW on outcomes rather than talk anyway - that has been a very mixed bag recently.
A lot of that interview didn't really have the answers the fans wanted. Speaks well though
Talk is cheap with TW his actions say much more it’s time him and that weasel benson left out club
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Northstandboy earlier today

I'd have thought that as the owner of this site and given that there is a lot of activity discussing him it would be part of your remit to listen to him
He talks for example about the economics of the Stadium. It's because the deal with Kassam is so bad that a new stadium is not just affordable- but essential.

he also talks about what the club means to the fans, and what he got wrong.

Saying: "he can't even run our club" is quite something. I think the club being in the Championship, with exciting plans and planning permission for a new stadium are positive signs

- the negativity around the club on this site which discounts both of those things as trivial is quite phenomenal.
Oh the irony! If you hadn't "allegedly" put me on ignore, you'd know that this is exactly how I described you the other day; putting your fingers in your ears and hoping I'd go away.

As far as the TW Price of Football podcast went (without the main man Keiran Maguire being present) it was excellent. That is, it was an excellent piece of PR for TW. He spoke very well, without really being challenged. But we've heard him talk very well before, The last time being at the Fans Forum, and we all know about the multitude of cock ups that followed that!

I'll judge him on actions, not words, as that's what really matters. But we've been here before, and this could now be the third or fourth false dawn in under two years.

Edit: Below is what I posted on Tuesday to @chromeyellow
I've put you on ignore @Colin B and my experience is much the better for it. I recommend you do likewise
Yeah, that’s the spirit. Put your fingers in your ears and hope it all goes away.
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He talks for example about the economics of the Stadium. It's because the deal with Kassam is so bad that a new stadium is not just affordable- but essential.
Northstandboy must be devastated that he missed out on this exclusive! You mean to say we can't stay at the Kassam and he's a greedy bastard?
he also talks about what the club means to the fans, and what he got wrong.
I'm more interested in what he intends to do to make it right. In 2 years, I don't think he's done anything right. Robbo should have been sacked before Tim put his feet under the desk, Manning (and his backroom team) should have had more protections in their contracts, and Des should have got his backroom team earlier.
Saying: "he can't even run our club" is quite something. I think the club being in the Championship, with exciting plans and planning permission for a new stadium are positive signs
We nearly ended up being a League Two team because Tim didn't want to back Robbo in the transfer market, and din't want to sack him either. He's taken 2 years to realise a DoF is different to a Head of Recruitment (and even then can't admit he was wrong, calling the role "Head of Football Operations"). I asked you before but never got a response (typical). Which tactics did Tim come up with, which position did he play? What did he actually do to get us into the Championship? Anyone can sign off a transfer.
We are in the Championship in spite of Tim, not because of him.
Why would I want to hear him Tell everyone how a football club should be run . When he can’t even run ours
Er. Because it is about our football club.
If you don't care about the football club fine. If you have any interest, I would have thought that you would be interested?
to start discussing what position the CEO played confirms my suggestion that the level of hatred for Tim Wiliams - who has CEO of the club has seen us be promoted after finally firing one manager the two others appointed semi to have done OK. That’s one achievement I’m judging the man by.

I think promotion and plans and planning permission for a new stadium are important achievements.

Creating an atmosphere where both Brannagan and Goodrham want to sign new contracts seems important too.
Er. Because it is about our football club.
If you don't care about the football club fine. If you have any interest, I would have thought that you would be interested?
Well said.
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