Tiger also agreed/ promised a shareholders AGM in 2018 at the same fans forum he, the MD n spin doctor Chris W all agreed to a non matchday fans forum....which the previous fans forum was also informed that there would be various fans forums held (on non matchdays) at different areas in Oxfordshire (to make it easier for more fans to engage with the club) .... none of which (AGM included- despite Ttiger himself agreeing there would be one held in 2018) ..... Ive got work on the morning of the Walsall game, 3hrs away from Oxford, and will only just about make kick off, if traffic is helpful! After getting agreement at the last Fans Forum that ,instead of the inconvenience to both exiles and Oxford-based U's fans , of having pre-match habits messed around with,as well as having to get to a fans forum for 12 midday and not even being held in or close to the breeze block, I for one feel that fans forums thus far are nothing but OUFC complying with current legislative requirements to engage with supports (at least) twice a season.... BUT not taking any notice of what either the fans ask, or the OUFC top table agrees to at said meetings. When I go to watch my team, I want to enjoy a decent day out, meet with friends, family and fellow yellows for a pre-match drink or two, take in the game hopefully a U's win, then have a celebratory/ commiserating beer or two after. I don't want to be setting off at silly o clock in the morning to attend a 60 minute meeting where I'm bullshitted to by those on the top table, then try to find somewhere to park (my usual parking space having been filled by the time the meeting is over), also to find other favoured pre-match habits have had to be sacrificed too....all for what? to ask a few questions, and then find the replies aren't even worth the paper they're written on! Which IMO is most certainly WRONG
A bit like emailing OUFC MD - who invited email enquiries at the last fans forum, yet, when emailed questions, ( not just by me but by other Us fans taking the MD at his word too), the MD patronisingly responds with words to the effect of 'how nice to hear from you, thank you for your valued support', yet NO reference, never mind reply, to questions asked.
Any wonder KR spouts nonsense to the local press ( eg this player, that player the other player are coming in - and they don't sign at all, proclaiming that all business rebuilding the squad would be done before pre-season tour, yet in reality pretty much none was done before the 3 game foray... etc etc etc), when the Chairman n Owner, MD and OUFC communications chappy say one thing publically, then renege on it? To me, every word emanating from OUFC in an official capacity will be taken with a proverbial pinch of salt, until I'm convinced they are, after all, men of their word....and as far as I'm concerned, as things stand not one of thems word is to be trusted at face value.
How many tickets are ACTUALLY still avail' for the cup game Tuesday week? Sold out, we're informed, REALLY? says me
Quite a number of U's fans can be described as Fun Guys, but that's no reason for OUFC's owner, nor his lackeys, to mete out the mushroom treatment is it? Saying one thing publically (at the previous fans forum- which fuckedup my Saturday, by me having to leave where I was after working the night before several hours earlier to attend a time-limited to 60 minutes fans forum, with my prefered usual pre-match habits disrupted, but I would accept the inconvenience IF what Tiger and co agreed to they stuck to!!!!) and then doing a 180 degree about face reaqlly isnt right IMO
Trust is easy to lose, Fact is Tiger, his patronising MD and other current OUFC decision making administrators have blown any trust or belief I had in taking their word at face value........ broken trust takes a long, long time to rebuild if its ever truly repaired. Chairmen, MDs, Head Coaches, Board Members come and go, I've seen many come and then go, I don't think I've lost trust previously in anything like as short period as with the current incumbents