Oi was at the game yesterday, Jerome.... (Alternative fans view?)


Active member
14 Dec 2017
...if only for part of it.

I have walked out before the of end of Yellows games only twice and 'oi bin supportin em' since 1990. Pompey yesterday was The second time.

For me the writing was clearly on the wall in the first half. We were lucky not to be 3 or 4 down by the break. The Pompey right side (No. 2 & 11?) attacking pair were a class above. The speed and close interplay between them tore us apart. We just had no answer. It seems the only thing we could do was argue amongst ourselves and try and blame 'someone else'. Individuals trying to shift the blame. No team play at all. Possession? What 4kin possession? Compare this to the Pompey team effort. Jackett knows us of old. I'm sure his pre match brief was the simple - "it's Oxford...just get in their faces and they will concede possession" And we did. Same old, same old.

Pre match, I was talking to some Pompey fans in the excellent Milton Community centre Cafe and they were bemoaning the poor style of Pompey play under KJ. All 'long ball hoof and hope' stuff apparently. Well, it wasn't apparent yesterday! They asked me how we were playing and I felt slightly uneasy when answering "We did Ok on Tuesday" I kept my council over our league performances so far. Hey ho!

Sorry, but the first two goals and the manner of concession did it for me. Too Painful to watch... so I left. I heard the roar of the third walking back to my car. There was a live commentary on Solent Express (Which has very limited range) and I heard bits of the last 15 min or so. I heard Pompey score their 4th and 5th (No 4 was an OG I believe) and in the 6 min of extra time I heard the inevitable "...good pass to Obika, in on goal....and .....he puts it wide" - unlucky.....again. Stating the obvious but it's Sad our top scorer is a Pompey defender! 4fs.

All in all, a miserable day at the football....again. I doubt if I will bother with away games until we start to improve and based on yesterday, that may be a while.

Well, Jerome, you may well ask what was the other game I walked out of in nearly 30 years?

Pompey, away, last season.

Interested to know how many times others have walked out significantly early, i.e. more than a couple of minutes before the end.

Twice in my case. Once during a Conference match at Northwich in the Conference. 0-1 down in pouring rain and never looking like scoring or doing anything remotely interesting, I left at half time. Second time at Barnsley this season on 80 minutes after their third goal.
Only once in my case and it was literally 3 mins into 5 of extra time... Can't remember what game but with somewhere to be soon after the game I decided the wait I'd have to get out from the back of the overflow wasn't worth it. Think it was a 2-0 defeat last season.
I’ve wanted to leave early a couple of times. Both in the mid 80’s. Bolton away (the police made us stay until 10 minutes after the final whistle as was customary then. On the other occasion we were at home to Ipswich and 3-0 down at half time. My mates (who I had driven from Aylesbury) all wanted to stay so we did. Amazingly we won 4-3.
Twice this year, Barnsley and Pompey both after their third goals.
Oh and that home 7 - 0 defeat last year.
Picture the scene, local cup game for my home town club. Despite only a few hundred there still a mare to get out of the side streets afterwards. We're 2-0 down with a minute to play. We say our farewells and hot foot it out of there. As we're just outside the roar goes up. Me and my dad look at each other. "Nah, no chance" and we keep walking. Just as we reach the car the second roar goes up. "Ah, for F*CK'S sake!" So we go back in and watch extra time, only for us to lose on penalties!
Interestingly I stayed and watched all the Wigan game last season purely because it was fascinating to watch their class players.

I stayed until the start of injury time yesterday as I didn't want to miss my train and add more misery to a very lousy day.

From memory the only ever game I can remember walking out of was Rushden and Diamonds in the conference and it was on TV. I think we 4-0 down and the kieran st aimee(?) Scored an OG and then laughed about it. I had to walk out at that point or most likely be thrown out.
Charlton at home in the league Cup back in the 1970s. When I got home I found out that We had scored a late goal and drawn.
I stayed at Pompey at home when they murdered us. They were 5 2 up with around 15 minutes to do and 5 3 with a .unite left. Probably 10% of the crowd left when 5 2 down.
We drew 5 5 with Chris Allen scoring the equaliser in the last second. Absolutely outclassed and outplayed but a fantastic end to the game and lesson learned!
I left early yesterday to catch an early train - thought if I can skip the crowds and get home a bit earlier, at least that'll be something positive about the day. Props to everyone who stuck it out to the end though.
When we went 3-0 down to Bradford but eventually lost 5-0.

Left at goal 4 of the 6 we lost to Yeovil too under the rix years.

To be fair that was more because I had something to get back for that evening so had a excuse to leave.

Stayed and watched the whole Wigan debacle last year, like already mentioned really enjoyed watching how good they were.
The worst games I have seen have all been in the conference hands down. Droylsden, Barrow, Lewes, Rushden. That's when we have had our worst teams and faced our worst opposition.
I leave early regularly now done my 25+yrs of staying to the bitter end and sitting in traffic young kids to get back for etc.

Ever wondered what we look and sound like from the fence and how it feels to miss a goal... well its still fffn amazing to see the crowd go up and hear the roar absolute sight to behold love it just as much as inside the ground.

Also I have noticed on some occasions how much the sound does actually hit the bowlplex and how much a 4th stand would help keep it in.
I've done it once - a home game vs Morcambe in Appleton's early days (when the lights went out). We didn't get battered, we were just so poor.

What's happening is such a shame because I was so looking forward to going to Sunderland this season. Can't really justify spending all that money if the team aren't going to make it a competitive affair.
Maybe 3or 4 times in over 50 years.
Definitely left early when we got hammered at Rushden and diamonds.
Have never left early and never would leave early. Don't really blame people who leave early during batterings such as Wigan and Barnsley. When you have to watch displays as abject as those, I don't blame anyone for leaving.

I always stay till the end because I like to clap the team off. Even when were hammered, I like to show my appreciation to at least individuals who tried or played well, such as Henry yesterday.

Only 2 games I have stayed just to watch player reaction and not to clap - Wigan and Barnsley.
I've left a few northern away games a little early; nothing more miserable than being on the end of a hiding and being stuck in a load of traffic. Home games, never done it (so far).
I have never left early and I've been watching United since mid 60's. That doesn't mean I haven't felt like it sometimes!!!!
I have never left early, something I’m trying to pass on to my 9 year old son. He didn’t mention leaving early on Saturday but did against Wigan. I made him watch the whole game and told him you have to remember the bad times to really enjoy the good times!

Think he has just about forgiven me now.....
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