General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

New Stadium Project

Planning Portal: Planning Application - 24/00539/F
Stadium News Digest Thread: Click Here.

Latest from Club: 03/01/2024: New Year Update on Official Site (Click Here).

Latest from CDC: 31/10/2024
The 'Target Decision Date' has been set to 31st March 2025 according to an update on the portal. You can see this new date by opening the planning portal from the link above, it is displayed on the opening screen.
Target Decision Date: 31st March 2025.

OUFC need you to submit comments to the CDC Planning Portal by the 8th February - using the guidance at

You can also email the planning committee members or your MP directly. Planning Committee member details can be found HERE. Rember to keep emails short and polite.

For a list of email addresses to send your letters, please CLICK HERE.
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I’ve been involved in Planning Inspectorate enquiries when an applicant’s KC has taken down local councillors and pressure groups for their spurious reasons for rejecting a planning application.

It’s absolutely brutal and the objectors look absolutely shell-shocked after the KC has wiped the floor with them.
Had the "pleasure" of being at an enquiry where our LPA (SODC) had hired a (as it was then) QC to go up against the developers QC (he had a backup team on his side of the table too). The developers first words after statements from the general public was something like "An emotive set of speakers, but totally irrelevant to this enquiry". Suffice to say he was not a popular figure with the village from that point onward but I doubt he gave a flying.

Once they got into the nitty gritty of the council and the developers statements, neither would quit in attempting to discredit the other's evidence or interpretation of policy. In the end the Planning Inspector had to call time and said he would take written depositions from both.
I’ve been involved in Planning Inspectorate enquiries when an applicant’s KC has taken down local councillors and pressure groups for their spurious reasons for rejecting a planning application.

It’s absolutely brutal and the objectors look absolutely shell-shocked after the KC has wiped the floor with them.

I think we all want the path of least resistance with this. We all want to see the Planning Application is approved with little fuss as soon as possible by the Planning Committee/Inspector at CDC and the work can start for the second half of this year.

However, if we cannot have that, having a sharp-as-a-knife KC make Middleton, FOSB and any other old, crusty, NIMBY councillors made to look like fools would be great.

There is still the small matter of where Oxford United will be playing their home matches from 2026-27 - in which August 2026 is only 18 months away. I sincerely hope that the decision for where home matches will be is somehow tied into the decision on the Planning Application.
I’ve never objected officially to a planning application (and certainly not this one!), but is it OK that I feel a little bit uncomfortable about government interventions in LPA decisions?

Don’t get me wrong, I despise the mis-information being spouted by FoSB (hah!) etc., but the proposed changes to the planning regulations worry me slightly.
There is so much new housing going up around where I live at the moment (and proposed in fields where I have walked since I was a child!), and no infrastructure to deal with it.

The new stadium is an exception, as it has obvious community and environmental benefits, but giving Carte Blanche for any development can’t be a good thing surely?

This may make me a NIMBY, but I used to live in a village. I haven’t moved, but it is now a small town with zero amenities.
Indeed. No good building hundreds of houses when you don’t provide facilities such as Dr’s Surgery’s & other essential facilities
I think we all want the path of least resistance with this. We all want to see the Planning Application is approved with little fuss as soon as possible by the Planning Committee/Inspector at CDC and the work can start for the second half of this year.

However, if we cannot have that, having a sharp-as-a-knife KC make Middleton, FOSB and any other old, crusty, NIMBY councillors made to look like fools would be great.

There is still the small matter of where Oxford United will be playing their home matches from 2026-27 - in which August 2026 is only 18 months away. I sincerely hope that the decision for where home matches will be is somehow tied into the decision on the Planning Application.
I have my own ideas what will happen if/when we get planning permission but probably best not to plaster it on here..
I’ve been involved in Planning Inspectorate enquiries when an applicant’s KC has taken down local councillors and pressure groups for their spurious reasons for rejecting a planning application.

It’s absolutely brutal and the objectors look absolutely shell-shocked after the KC has wiped the floor with them.

Will that be live streamed somewhere? Happy to pay.
View attachment 25205
I'm fine with it as long as they say that to all other developments that are including in this

I'm curious about who's photos and surveys have they seen? I hope they aren't referring to FoSB's efforts.

Maybe my recollection is wrong but the long term surveys done on request for further information found no rare wildlife?
BBOWT's comments are fairly sensible if not a bit obvious, although their claim of it being a wildlife haven is straight out of the FoSB bingo card. Clearly a willow coppice and scrubland will not be a willow coppice and scrubland when there's a stadium on it, but there are other areas which will help different types of nature, such as the pond and the green roof. Perhaps supplying some funds to a project managed by BBOWT would go a long way to appeasing them and other "expert ecologists".
A few things I'd like to know from cdc firstly why hasn't the comments due date been changed 1000025458.jpg
And secondly why are no comments being uploaded there must be loads now
A few things I'd like to know from cdc firstly why hasn't the comments due date been changed View attachment 25217
And secondly why are no comments being uploaded there must be loads now
There have definitely been more sent, I sent mine earlier in the week. Confirmation of receipt email received. I'm thinking they are going to upload the lot in one go after the deadline passes.
There have definitely been more sent, I sent mine earlier in the week. Confirmation of receipt email received. I'm thinking they are going to upload the lot in one go after the deadline passes.
I sent mine on 23rd January and friends and family sent there's in around the same time. And there must be quite a few from Saturday game after receiving the card
There have definitely been more sent, I sent mine earlier in the week. Confirmation of receipt email received. I'm thinking they are going to upload the lot in one go after the deadline passes.
sent my (3rd or 4th) to the planning portal ( and emailed chair of Planning committee CDC), had an acknowledgement (automated) from the planning portal, albeit is not yet loaded

No acknowledgement as yet from CDC Planning committee chair Barry Wood for receipt on my email
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