National News National Lockdown coming


Well-known member
17 Dec 2017
Well it looks like a four week national lockdown is coming in Wednesday.
This country will never be the same again.
I would be surprised if any more football matches played this season. A very tough time ahead for everyone.
Take care everyone
Well it looks like a four week national lockdown is coming in Wednesday.
This country will never be the same again.
I would be surprised if any more football matches played this season. A very tough time ahead for everyone.
Take care everyone

You would be surprised if any more matches played this season ? You genuinely think that ? I’ll GUARANTEE there will be more football played this season even in the event of an upcoming lockdown.

Talk about a ridiculous over reaction.
About bloody time. But if the lockdown is going to be more stringent than before then sport will have to stop same as with the hospitality sector being shut.
We've had tier 2 and 3 localised lockdowns, but sporting events have still continued in these areas. I would hope that football continues in some capacity but understand how that could he seen when other industries are on the brink of collapse.
Rumours are it’s till December 1st, but what’s the betting it drags out past that.

Anyway off up the pub to get pissed one last time before they all shut.
Own up, who stole the government's crystal ball? ?

Everyone knew it was only a matter of time.

What I wonder is what things will be like in a month once lockdown is over? Current measures do not work effectively enough - the situation we're in now is evidence of that - so what will SAGE suggest and how closely will the government follow the science?
I think a lockdown is right, but selfishly I really hope they let football continue! And dentists
I'm due to get my implants finished on Tuesday morning after a 6 month dragged out treatment plan. I've been missing 4 front teeth for all that time and it's driven me mad. Any further delay and I don't know what I would be capable of!
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