Transfer News Incoming :another midfielder - Josh Wright?

Presumably to add cover if Ruffles is to play LB for the remainder of the season. Maybe gives the option of move Henry back to no10 as well.
Perhaps this has been precipitated due to the Baptiste injury? Couldn't have seen us sign another CM if we had him, Henry, Cam and Sykes all fit. One more injury to our midfield and it could be looking a bit threadbare on the bench again.

Also as a sidenote, I don't know anything about the player, but looking from his history the majority of his career has been played around the London/Greater London area (save for a two year spell at Scunny). Perhaps he just hasn't settled up north? Being appointed captain so soon after joining them hints that he has something about him at least.
Well, we have been warned by the Bantams fans and FFS CoCo we need STRIKERS!! Day 22 of the transfer window, promised 48 hours strikers would be arriving. JOKE
don’t think they actually promised anything and as mentioned numerous times just about every club wants strikers and can’t see anything happening until end of transfer window
While not a "Wow" signing things obviously clicked for him at Gillingham - Captain, goals and Player of the Year. So while things clearly haven't worked at Bradford it may be the place, the squad or the management structure and not just the player. So I agree - No "wow" but if he can do a job and he is not a replacement for Brannaghan - then he could be a useful addition. But PLEASE get a proper striker.
Well it won’t be Brannagan leaving, pretty confident on that one. Nelson with Moushino dropping back? Possible..
I posted the same thought on another thread.

Every player has his price, especially one nearing the end of their contract. I hope it doesn’t happen but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did.

I would argue if Nelson was going then we'd be signing a centre half as we'd still need be a centre half short.

I don't think Cam Brannagan is going unless we get a silly offer either.

If this is genuine (like Sercombe and Pompey we seem to get linked to Josh Wright each transfer window) then I think it is adding depth and competition to the squad. Especially as we've lost Baptiste etc and Carruthers is obviously a risk considering he has already broken down after coming back from injury once.
We all know we need a striker or two no question. Put that to one side..,

I think wright could be s good signing. Hanson is now our right back, Ruffels our left back, baptise injured, Brannagan is one yellow away from a suspension, Sykes one for the future (since signing him KR might realise it’s gonns be 6 months - like Dunkley), and Kashi and Mous will sit in front of the defence, I think we do need an extra body in.

Wright hasn’t worked out well at Bradford but has done well at this level before and 29 is a fine age for a centre mid. Also meant to be a leader which we need. Can’t see it breaking the bank so surely helps the depth of the squad and aids us moving forward...
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