and a multitude of others tooMissing out Chrissy Allen
In my younger days
Jason Seacole,
Archie White
Hugh McGrogan
Andy Bodel
Jimmy Sweetzer
Billy Jeffrey
Mick Tait
All in the team/squad at the same time
Archie White was Scottish ...or of Scottish heritage wasnt he?Billy Jeffrey, Hugh McGrogan and Andy Bodel were all Scottish...and Mick Tait a Geordie, I think.
May have been our youth teamers - but hardly “home-grown”!
Mark Druce, Paul Powell....and another lad who played RB on the same team as Powell...damn what was his name?...
wasnt there two brothers, Simon and ? Weatherstone? .... didnt both end up at Boston utd?Weatherstone?
wasnt there two brothers, Simon and ? Weatherstone? .... didnt both end up at Boston utd?