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Gwingle gwangle

15 Dec 2017
What is happening to our bloody language?
When you hear young lads and lasses being interviewed on telly, you quite often hear them talking in a false West Indian-type accent. These aren't West Indian-born kids, but British born. Where did that start from? Also, newsreaders and politicians talking who can't, or won't, pwonounce the letter 'R'. I cwinge every f*****g time I hear this! Years ago, you had standards that had to be reached, before you could open your mouth on the goggle-box. Maybe its because I'm old-fashioned - you tell me.
What is happening to our bloody language?
When you hear young lads and lasses being interviewed on telly, you quite often hear them talking in a false West Indian-type accent. These aren't West Indian-born kids, but British born. Where did that start from? Also, newsreaders and politicians talking who can't, or won't, pwonounce the letter 'R'. I cwinge every f*****g time I hear this! Years ago, you had standards that had to be reached, before you could open your mouth on the goggle-box. Maybe its because I'm old-fashioned - you tell me.

Chut up blood ya no wha I’m sayin fam
You are right, Oldham. David 'posh boy' bloody Gower gets my hackles going when he says: "Garn", instead of 'gone' and Parkibloodystarn instead of PakiSTAN. Urgh!
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The so called educated cricket “experts” talking about “Parkistarn” ffs
Surely it was Tony Greig that started the Parkistarn trend.
I still can't fathom why football commentators cannot even agree on how to pronouce certain players' names.
I used to work with some of the most dysfunctional youts and their language was ridiculous!

A conversation I once heard was as follows;

1) "Yo bro, you listening? You listening, you listening bro?"
2) "yeah yeah bro, I'm listening bro"
1) "say nothin' innit"
2) "innit!"

What's the f*cking point of that!!!
Surely it was Tony Greig that started the Parkistarn trend.
I still can't fathom why football commentators cannot even agree on how to pronouce certain players' names.
To be fair, Tony Greig was South African, so it's excusable. As for the others... :unsure:
AmsterdamDave is the best poster on this thing others are just mean
i went and saw Jim Davidson a few years back and he was talking about political correctness saying he couldn’t do things that he did back in the 70’s & 80’s one of them was his Chalkie impression, but he went ahead and told a joke using his Chalkie impression he started the joke by saying hello Chalkie to which he replied to himself “ How you doin “ in a West Indian dialect, Jim replied to himself again “ what are you talking like that for “ to which he replied as Chalkie in a British accent “ Sch I’m with me mates “ and that is true of a lot of individuals they use it to front them selves up and to give it large, yet that isn’t the way they talk normally, and the worst are White British trying to speak in a West Indian accent.
Rass man bloodclat
Wrong. Amsterdamdave is my twin brother. But Amsterdam would probably suit Amershamdave too.
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