Snowy up there today apparently but turning rainy tonight. A top temperature of 9c tomorrow does not sound too bad for a game of footy. Bit wet, but can’t see it being off unless their pitch is already in a bad way.
Got a business contact in Sheffieldand the place is covered almost cut off due to snow and it's still coming down strong. Can't see the game going ahead
There's a car park just along from the side that the away fans used to be in. Can't remember what the road is called, but it's a long straight road that runs right behind the stadium. It's a two minute walk from the away turn styles. It's just a bit of wasteland really, but easy to get in and out of and costs about £3 from memory.
South Yorks much worse than West Yorks. I’m in Leeds at the moment and no snow on any roads, it’s raining heavily right now and temperatures are reasonably high tonight. Any problems will probably be due to waterlogging, not snow or ice.