Championship Forest appoint o Neill

Forest have had 26 managers (+ 4 caretaker < 5 games) since Brian Clough left in 1993 - 26 in 26 years!
The last time one completed a full season was in 2009/10 Billy Davies.
To put that in perspective between 1889 and 1993, 104 years they had 15 managers.
I’ve always kept an eye on Forest since they beat us 5-0 in the league cup.
MoN played in that match, he is a club legend, so he might just get away with it.
1990 - 2010, his managerial career was pretty stellar (yes, even the time at Villa, with three consecutive 6th places, was impressive in retrospect when you consider what happened to them after he left).

Since 2010, it's been somewhere between pedestrian and terrible.

Turnaround coming, or old and busted? We shall see........
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