We use that enroute to Greater Leys.It makes no sense to me that they do what they did, you had people weaving in and out of cars and buses, would make a hell of a lot more sense had they got buses to park along the yellow line below, means people can exit the east stand car park and less people are playing chicken with traffic
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Because with 8 buses now parked at the bus stop (plus the City buses), it WAS dangerous, and it's much better to make a change before someone dies, than after.Why has it been necessary to change the location of the buses? What problem is it solving?why changed after 20 years without problems?
Where else could they go?Who has defined the current solution with buses parked on exit from east stand car park?
There's 11,000 people at the stadium, all of them are pedestrians at some point. Car drivers are definitely in the minority against pedestrians, and therefore should wait for pedestrians.Why is it seen as a good idea to force increased numbers of pedestrians ACROSS the main exit of the main stadium car park?
Good luck parking 8 buses in there. Good luck even turning 1 bus around in there once it's full, with thousands walking around that bit pre match.Are there no solutions eg VIP car park exit where buses could be staged that voids totally vehicle and pedestrian interaction?
Hopefully they'll put a block on cars leaving the car park until the buses are gone. Public transport absolutely needs to be prioritised in all aspects of life, especially for an event that 11,000 people attend, and when our new stadium bid relies on public transport as the main mode of transport.How is the system meant to work?
Some questions for OUSP to pose to the club ref above:
Why has it been necessary to change the location of the buses? What problem is it solving?why changed after 20 years without problems?
Who has defined the current solution with buses parked on exit from east stand car park?
Why is it seen as a good idea to force increased numbers of pedestrians ACROSS the main exit of the main stadium car park?
Are there no solutions eg VIP car park exit where buses could be staged that voids totally vehicle and pedestrian interaction?
How is the system meant to work? Unclear stewards just block car exit yet when they stand aside still no vehicle exit as pedestrians are still forced across it to get to buses and they make no attempt to pause pedestrian access?
Do the club realise that the current system will force more people to park outside of the stadium complex and probably further annoy local communities?
Do the club realise that this hair brained scheme is acting as a further deterrent to fans to attend games ( it has added 45 mins to my journey time on an already lengthy journey)
With the current challenges on the pitch this is just utter madness and will make people question is it worth it (I am not one of them but I will not park there whilst this scheme operates)
Admirable. So unless we can come by public transport we won’t bother coming. Catching a bus from 45 miles away not very practical and as I am sure you understand 90% of supporters are currently forced to drive due to the poor public transport access. Great that the new stadium offers options even for me to travel by train.Because with 8 buses now parked at the bus stop (plus the City buses), it WAS dangerous, and it's much better to make a change before someone dies, than after.
Where else could they go?
There's 11,000 people at the stadium, all of them are pedestrians at some point. Car drivers are definitely in the minority against pedestrians, and therefore should wait for pedestrians.
Good luck parking 8 buses in there. Good luck even turning 1 bus around in there once it's full, with thousands walking around that bit pre match.
Hopefully they'll put a block on cars leaving the car park until the buses are gone. Public transport absolutely needs to be prioritised in all aspects of life, especially for an event that 11,000 people attend, and when our new stadium bid relies on public transport as the main mode of transport.
It's looked dangerous for a few years. With additional buses, it's far more dangerous. Nothing to do with the verges not being maintained. There were far too many people waiting on the opposite side for it to be safe.The only reason the bus staging on Grenoble road became an issue was because buses were parked opposite each other on that stretch and verges due to poor maintenance are no longer accessible.
I go back to my message a few weeks ago, pay a contractor to cut down the overgrown hedges along this stretch and you have enough space for a row of buses with pedestrians funnelling down one side.It makes no sense to me that they do what they did, you had people weaving in and out of cars and buses, would make a hell of a lot more sense had they got buses to park along the yellow line below, means people can exit the east stand car park and less people are playing chicken with traffic
View attachment 23808
I despise the new system. Loathe it. As someone that has parked in the East Stand car park (and has to arrive progressively earlier to do so - totally my choice) this system just sucks.
I’d be so much less bitter if, as has always been the case, there wasn’t a huge row of cars parked stadium side of Grenoble Road on the yellow line(s?) to pick people up where there is ample space for all the buses without blocking a narrow exit road to one of the car parks and with easy access to the roundabout at the top of Guelder Rd where they could then u-turn around.
Unfortunately buses are excluded from parking there.This.
Why can't buses pick up on the stadium side of Grenpble Road?
There is a roundabout at each end to turn around.
Same reason that the cars shouldn't be parked there. The double yellow lines. The buses have been ticketed for this in the past.This.
Why can't buses pick up on the stadium side of Grenpble Road?
There is a roundabout at each end to turn around.
Surely we can apply for a temporary lifting on match days in the interest of common f@cking sense?Same reason that the cars shouldn't be parked there. The double yellow lines. The buses have been ticketed for this in the past.