Agree Plymouth were poor and no doubt the wind contributed to some of the wayward passes. Only results from the next 2 or 3 games will tell us whether we are really improving. I still feel that the sum of our parts is not being reflected in the team performance and maybe this is down to the lack of a settled team or just that these players are not capable of working together. If as the “management team” constantly tells us that the spirit is good and that there is a togetherness in the squad then why is this not coming through on the pitch? Yesterday should have given them a confidence boost so another good away point next week is vital.
Agree. It wasnt just yesterday as the Southend result was clearly a decent one.Although Plymouth were very poor I detect improvement over the last two games. The same back 4. Mous playing just in front of them. Players getting fitter. And players coming back from injury. Only Rob Hall in the treatment room at the moment.
I'm still in the doubtful camp on Mackie.
I.think that the thing about Mackie is that he had proved his quality over the years and generally all of the supporters of clubs he has been at appreciate his qualities.I'm still in the doubtful camp on Mackie. At least he did score and showed passion.!
I thought he played very well - his 'pestiness' reminded me of Hylton somewhat! But I agree with you in that (like the team performance) the proof of any improvement is going to be maintaining it over the next few games rather than having one good game.I'm still in the doubtful camp on Mackie.
I thought he played very well - his 'pestiness' reminded me of Hylton somewhat! But I agree with you in that (like the team performance) the proof of any improvement is going to be maintaining it over the next few games rather than having one good game.
I'll join in that camp! Anything which gets us better performances.I agree Paul. I have to admit that I thought it was more than just lack of fitness - I am glad he is proving me wrong! Long may it continue.