Fan's View FAN’S VIEW: 24/25 – No.34: BRISTOL CITY AT HOME

As I wrote in my accompanying email, when passing this along to my (now) Oxford United supporting friends, this was a Fan's View that was almost certainly better than the game about which he wrote.

Thanks, as ever!
It got a mention in the match day thread but, to reiterate, whatever happened to the officials punishing time wasting by adding every stoppage on to added time? Like a few other directives, appears to have been binned.
"It was a shot cum attempt"

I think the missing word rather changes the complexion of that phrase.
Brannagan takes a time to get fit after injury, but has got better and better.
When he sprinted back to make that goal saving challenge, many where I sit, stood up and celebrated.
Somebody on here gave a quote from Bristol fan ( I believe ), saying something like Brannagan is a 'nasty bustard, but I would love somebody like that playing for us'
Somebody on here gave a quote from Bristol fan ( I believe ), saying something like Brannagan is a 'nasty bustard, but I would love somebody like that playing for us'
It was a Stoke fan on their forum.
It got a mention in the match day thread but, to reiterate, whatever happened to the officials punishing time wasting by adding every stoppage on to added time? Like a few other directives, appears to have been binned.
Ridiculous isn't it.

Numerous games with 7minutes plus being added on.

And now we're back down to not even adding the directed amounts for subs/goals etc.
When LM was our manager, in post match interviews he would often refer to "Keeping shots at our goal from the opposition to a minimum"
I think that objective runs though his teams, that is his first priority, no different on Saturday, hence a tedious match prevailed.
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