The pitch had stood up well after the torrential rain on Saturday although the linesman on the opposite side to the stand did have to run up and down a very gloopy muddy touchline. From what I remember of the old ground, apart from the two stands, it did have an oval of stepped concrete terracing which made views a bit easier. I reckon if the people who had bought seat tickets had stayed in the seats, that the ground would have fitted one person deep around the perimiter, rather than restricted views if you weren't on the barrier. I had some 6ft guy keep putting his arm up to shield the sun, blocking my view of half the pitch. It reminded me a bit of Barnet's new ground, and I guess if they ever need to expand putting up new temporary terracing like Barnet had wouldn't be too difficult (I think that has gone to Exeter away terrace now?)
This did also remind me of AFC Sudbury away for a cup game with no terrace at all and just a handful of small stands.
Also good to see that H&Y didn't play a rough game. Their team looked pretty youthful and skilful, rather than a load of journeymen old pros reduced to hacking us down.