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End of the world...or unseasonable weather

It , the weather, is set to revert to 'usual' type from tomorrow (cloudy, colder and likelihood of rain ) ....that said the unseasonably warm past few days have been most welcome. ... having a spot of lunch al fresco as i type . No shorts for me though, not in feb in ox3....im not a postman
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I've been out in t-shirt and shorts 7-8 times this month. This month? February! Global warming? My body warming! ?
We,ve only been keeping records for 100 years or so.....climate change is a load of old B*****s,the climates been changing for millions of years......tchhh
We,ve only been keeping records for 100 years or so.....climate change is a load of old B*s,the climates been changing for millions of years......tchhh
Not this fast, they haven't. But don't let the facts get in the way.
Umm. So I was at an oil industry conference this week. And believe me we are taking it very, very seriously. There was talk about 1.5, never mind 2
My understanding (limited) is that Ice Ages come around in cycles, and we are over due the last one by 5000 years.
6000 years ago we started clearing trees for farming on a large scale which fractionally raised the temperature of the earth, preventing the last Ice Age from happening. The Earth has been slowly warming ever since, with an acceleration since the industrial revolution.

I'm not a scientist, and this is not my field of expertise
Is there a thing a few middle class westerners can do to halt a change caused by 5,000 years of human “progress”, in a world with an increasing population mostly in the non western areas? Is anyone really willing to make the changes necessary to at least arrest it? How do you force billions of people to live poorer lives around the world?

If it is happening nothing can be done about it so it’s a bit pointless worrying about it, might as well wear shorts and sunglasses and enjoy it rather than put a coat on and moan about it.
I can't claim to endorse this or not, but nonetheless, a rebuttal of sorts. Rather let down by the Trump stuff at the bottom though.
Is there a thing a few middle class westerners can do to halt a change caused by 5,000 years of human “progress”, in a world with an increasing population mostly in the non western areas? Is anyone really willing to make the changes necessary to at least arrest it? How do you force billions of people to live poorer lives around the world?

If it is happening nothing can be done about it so it’s a bit pointless worrying about it, might as well wear shorts and sunglasses and enjoy it rather than put a coat on and moan about it.
Theres a huge amount that countries and industries can do to change things- like the Green New Deal posited here and in the US - hugely investing in recyclable energy and cutting back on Carbon,. Will I listen to 99 per cent of scientists around the worlg or the bloke who draws Dilbert? that's not a rebuttal of any sort.
Surely, if there is even the slightest chance that the scientists are even slightly right, then it is sensible to take steps. If by some chance they are all wrong, then we will have cut down on what we know are harmful emissions, saved rainforests and preserved some of the fossil fuel reserves for the future, as well as developing cheaper cleaner technologies. If on the other hand they are right, we will have gone some way to ensuring that our children and grandchildren have somewhere halfway decent to live.

It's all to easy to find someone to rebut anything (evolution, moon landings, the shape of the earth etc etc) but using that as an excuse to put your fingers in your ears, deride anything that you don't want to hear and to just carry on doing the wrong thing because you don't want it to be true is selfish childishness of the highest order. (I'm looking at you Agent Orange!!!)
Theres a huge amount that countries and industries can do to change things- like the Green New Deal posited here and in the US - hugely investing in recyclable energy and cutting back on Carbon,. Will I listen to 99 per cent of scientists around the worlg or the bloke who draws Dilbert? that's not a rebuttal of any sort.
The Green New Deal is a wonderful piece of satire. Truly wonderful.

If AOC had spent time proof reading it, understanding how us proles live our lives and more globally, it might get to something worth it. As it is, it's impractical and naive. And insanely expensive.

No ta. Would rather we focus on working on getting countries like India and China to be better custodians of the world!
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