National News Disorder & Protests


Level: Cameron Brannagan
(311 Apps, 57 Gls)
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Happened to wander into Leicester today with MrsEY(Mk2) and Number 1 Niece.

Very large police presence, and a couple of hundred of folk at the Clock Tower with Palestine flags, Refugee`s welcome placards etc being kettled by the plod.

About 5pm a bunch of folk with different views were similarly corralled behind a police line.

Both groups spent a couple of hours shouting at each other.

Both sides got bored and went home.

Seems its been different elsewhere.
No signs of any protests in Oxford today.

How about where any off you exiles live?
Both the "refugees welcome" and "stop the boats" groups will have some nice people in them but mostly be full of angry tools who want a ruck,

I went to the pub.

Mass immigration like we've never seen before was always going to see some major issues in resentment and integration and value differences. It's as inevitable as Karl Robinson signing 4 injury prone wingers a window.
It’s the summer holidays, riot season.
It's always in hot weather isn't it

2001 race riots = July
2011 England riots = August
2020 BLM riots = June
2024 immigration riots = August

the affect of the weather on human psychology is interesting, it's not just that people are out longer I'm sure people are angrier when it's hot.
This is what happens when racists are emboldened by lies. Austerity, Brexit, Covid, Ukraine etc and the associated near destruction of our welfare state, health service, education system etc along with an economic system built on disparity and inequality has created the vacuum for blame and anger. Almost all of it misplaced of course. Obviously.

What happens next?
It's always in hot weather isn't it

2001 race riots = July
2011 England riots = August
2020 BLM riots = June
2024 immigration riots = August

the affect of the weather on human psychology is interesting, it's not just that people are out longer I'm sure people are angrier when it's hot.

One of the coppers said he was hoping PC Rain would have held on from the morning. Demonstrates don`t like rain.
I have to object to the use of the term ‘protest’. These are not protests, they are far-right mobs inciting violence against minority groups.

Interesting take on events.

I don’t recall seeing many ‘far right’ members during the Harebills disorder in Leeds, do you?

In fact, it looked more like a ‘minority group’ inciting the disorder, didn’t it?
This is what happens when racists are emboldened by lies. Austerity, Brexit, Covid, Ukraine etc and the associated near destruction of our welfare state, health service, education system etc along with an economic system built on disparity and inequality has created the vacuum for blame and anger. Almost all of it misplaced of course. Obviously.

What happens next?
Give it a rest with 'racist' stuff, a lot of people have enough of the what's going on and the two tier police state.
there is plenty of footage of the “protestors“ attacking people of a different colour or religion and threats to or attacks on Mosques and offensive chants about Islam.

If you don’t think “racist” is the right term perhaps you’d like to suggest an alternative
there is plenty of footage of the “protestors“ attacking people of a different colour or religion and threats to or attacks on Mosques and offensive chants about Islam.

If you don’t think “racist” is the right term perhaps you’d like to suggest an alternative
“Patriotic” and “concerned” are two alternative words that spring immediately to mind - often used by racists’ apologists recently.
Of course it's racist. The whole thing has been driven by the lies of posh boys Yaxley-Lennon and Farage who are using this 'illegal immigrant' schtick to drive their Fascist agenda and the thickos are falling for it hook, line and sinker. The enemy doesn't arrive by small boats, it arrives by private jets and limosines.
Do people not have a right to express an opinion? In Leicester that is exactly what happened from both sides. No more, no less.
I wonder if he isn't referring to the ten minutes of protest in Leicester that you saw but the thuggery and Paki-bashing that's gone on throughout the country in the last few days
Interesting take on events.

I don’t recall seeing many ‘far right’ members during the Harebills disorder in Leeds, do you?

In fact, it looked more like a ‘minority group’ inciting the disorder, didn’t it?
Local police?
Because of the shortage of housing/cost of living, some people are saying that to let more people into this country whilst we cannot cater for the ones that are already here is madness and shouldn't be allowed, therefore some extremists turn to violence against certain sectors of the public causing destruction which the ordinary taxpayer has to spend money to clear up, therefore defeating the object of money going into housing.
People have been expressing their concerns about issues around immigration, cultural change, and islam for decades now. Working class native British people have been ignored, and suffer most from uncontrolled immigration.

Suddenly a "touch point" event happens, and these people have had enough. As with many riots (I'm thinking 2011 too), this is what happens when people are pushed to their breaking point.

It might be ugly, and there's an element of racism in it, but there you go. I'm sure calling them all thick from ivory towers will make the problem disappear.
Completely unacceptable behaviour around the country but the media, police and government have been fuelling a double standard because there have been equally bad far left riots which haven't been condemned anywhere near as hard that have persisted for far longer. The recent Leeds riot was far worse than what was initially seen in Southport yet the differences in policing was just extraordinary as was the media reception.

I loathe Just Stop Oil but when you see some of their nuisance protesters being jailed for 4-5 years compared to violent offenders, career criminals and convicted terrorists receiving far less punishments for significantly more serious crimes, it's clear there is issues across the board in these behaviours existing and how they are dealt with. Weak policing and extremist behaviours have aided a societal decline and divide on an unprecedented scale in this country.

After the BLM and Hamas mobs weren't brought to justice, it really hasn't given much of a deterrent.
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