General Atmosphere

Interesting, a couple of us in 19 were getting a little frustrated at how difficult it was to get the atmosphere going yesterday so it's good to know it sounded better than from where we were.
My only request would be that when you come up with a new song, please put the words up on here or on social media so that we can join in.

Still don't know what you're saying for the Harris song for example. Dembele song? Standing on the terrace?

Also, there were a couple of corners where people were singing COYY but the drum was playing "d,d,ddd,dddd Oxford" on top. Drum is good for keeping stuff going but maybe hold off if you can hear another song starting?
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My only request would be that when you come up with a new song, please put the words up on here or on social media so that we can join in.

Still don't know what you're saying for the Harris song for example. Dembele song? Standing on the terrace?

Also, there were a couple of corners where people were singing COYY but the drum was playing "d,d,ddd,dddd Oxford" on top. Drum is good for keeping stuff going but maybe hold off if you can hear another song starting?

Or on the scoreboard 😉
My only request would be that when you come up with a new song, please put the words up on here or on social media so that we can join in.

Still don't know what you're saying for the Harris song for example. Dembele song? Standing on the terrace?

Harris song has been shared a few times, including in this thread:
Running past defenders, scoring one or two.
He looks good, he looks fine, sparky Harris on my mind and he's Oxford number 9.

Allez Allez Allez was posted on here back in 2018:

I also looked for 'Take me home, London Road' - found more references to Peterborough than Oxford. Don't know the story but apparently the Manor version got played on the radio not long ago: (Do our singing lads even remember the Manor???)

I haven't heard the Dembele song (yet), and there was a Kyle Edwards song at Luton that I couldn't remember afterwards.

I'm fascinated by the culture and evolution of football songs and feel like as soon as they get written down they'll change again. There's no central authority organising committee proposing and approving lyrics, it's an almost unique phenomenon in society but ultimately it is just people yelling. But yes, +1 to the idea of having somewhere online to collate them. Then again I'm sure there are 1000x similar suggestions buried in this forum which haven't borne fruit. One key point is that it's usually an evolution of an older song rather than any "new" songs being sung. There's a balance to be struck between the complexity of a song and the ability to learn/spread the words around the ground. I've previously listed 20+ songs/chants which I've heard over the last few seasons and would gladly contribute to anyone wanting to bring them together in one place.

Personally, I picked up more songs in the pub before last season's Reading game than anywhere else. I'm not a great traveller but definitely our away atmosphere is 10x what we get at the Kassam. But without a doubt it has improved at home this last year, and more power to the Block 19 lads who are making it happen.
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Or on the scoreboard 😉
Re the point of putting songs on the scoreboard - great idea but I feel it's very unlikely to happen.
It might go unnoticed but when the scoreboard shows "YELLOWS YELLOWS" or "COME ON YOU YELLOWS", people do follow it.
It's a shame it doesn't get any more in-depth than that. The cynic in me would say that'd be getting too much like engaging with the customers.
Thanks for putting up the Harris lyrics. Jez boys its even worse than I first feared thankfully hes in such awful form I wont have to hear it so often. Made me want to throw up in my mouth a bit. Not catching on you say? As for Allez allez not sure you guys need congratulating more lining up and kicked in the knackers by the rest of the London rd tbh
Re the point of putting songs on the scoreboard - great idea but I feel it's very unlikely to happen.
It might go unnoticed but when the scoreboard shows "YELLOWS YELLOWS" or "COME ON YOU YELLOWS", people do follow it.
It's a shame it doesn't get any more in-depth than that. The cynic in me would say that'd be getting too much like engaging with the customers.
I think it's more the other way round. We already do chant those chants at corners, after goals, etc, so the people running the screen have started flashing the words at those times.
Harris song has been shared a few times, including in this thread:

Allez Allez Allez was posted on here back in 2018:

I also looked for 'Take me home, London Road' - found more references to Peterborough than Oxford. Don't know the story but apparently the Manor version got played on the radio not long ago: (Do our singing lads even remember the Manor???)

I haven't heard the Dembele song (yet), and there was a Kyle Edwards song at Luton that I couldn't remember afterwards.

I'm fascinated by the culture and evolution of football songs and feel like as soon as they get written down they'll change again. There's no central authority organising committee proposing and approving lyrics, it's an almost unique phenomenon in society but ultimately it is just people yelling. But yes, +1 to the idea of having somewhere online to collate them. Then again I'm sure there are 1000x similar suggestions buried in this forum which haven't borne fruit. One key point is that it's usually an evolution of an older song rather than any "new" songs being sung. There's a balance to be struck between the complexity of a song and the ability to learn/spread the words around the ground. I've previously listed 20+ songs/chants which I've heard over the last few seasons and would gladly contribute to anyone wanting to bring them together in one place.

Personally, I picked up more songs in the pub before last season's Reading game than anywhere else. I'm not a great traveller but definitely our away atmosphere is 10x what we get at the Kassam. But without a doubt it has improved at home this last year, and more power to the Block 19 lads who are making it happen.
Block 19 would be a great name for an ultras group .
Ultra group, ???? What the hell has Britain got to do with European Ultra Groups?? Nothing whatsoever, ultras are politically motivated,either left wing or right wing ideals. Where football takes second place to politics.
Stick your ultras up your A***e in my opinion.
If we put up the words to chants on the scoreboard we will be a laughing stock.

Remember how we took the piss out of Reading with their "We are the Reading" song and video? We all said how tinpot they were, and that we would never be like that. Well, putting the words to chants on the scoreboard, would be an even bigger embarrassment and away fans would (deservedly) rip us a new one.
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Hahahaha I agree ,puting the words on the scoreboard is sad .A bit like being at school & the teacher has wrote it on the blackboard for us to sing 🤣🤣 NO NO NO Don't 🤣🤣
Ultra group, ???? What the hell has Britain got to do with European Ultra Groups?? Nothing whatsoever, ultras are politically motivated,either left wing or right wing ideals. Where football takes second place to politics.
Stick your ultras up your A***e in my opinion.

Hope your seat is covered in pigeon s**t next time you're at the Kassam son.
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