A sensible School Policy


What a good policy insisting using number plates.

Although I don't think, based on his quote, the Cycling UK spokesman has quite grasped that Cyclists can ride dangerously (mainly risking themselves). By all means, do the things he suggests but kids take chances on bikes through lack of awareness or lack of fear, I did as a kid as did my mates.

Coupled with the other parts of the policy, subsidised lights and maintenance workshops then it is a great idea.
Many decades ago, during last century while at junior school i along with classmates did the old cycling proficiency certificate. ...as a kid like most others too I took risks and very probably rode my bicycle badly at times,before and after the cycling proficiency thingy... number plates for cyclists should be introduced nationally (it would work on dockless cycles too) , I think we have more than our fair share of bad cyclists in Oxford. . .not all are bad riders but those that are , invariably lycra clad ninjas on two wheels, are an absolute menace, who's actions - undertaking,ignoring red lights, not stopping at junctions/roundabouts, ignoring no entry streets by cycling along them the wrong way and other misdemenours- often see all cyclists tarred with the same brush.

Cycling is purported to be healthy exercise for the individual.. cycling isn't all that healthy if basic safety, rules of the road or common sense are not applied by some of them

A number plate would go part way to identifying those who break the law ,push thier luck and cause incidents/accidents

I'd welcome cyclists having to have at least 3rd party insurance too
I think the whole scheme is an enlightened way for kids to have a safe bike and be responsible on the roads. Sadly, the cycle lobby are being their usual tone deaf selves on the scheme.
Many decades ago, during last century while at junior school i along with classmates did the old cycling proficiency certificate. ...as a kid like most others too I took risks and very probably rode my bicycle badly at times,before and after the cycling proficiency thingy... number plates for cyclists should be introduced nationally (it would work on dockless cycles too) , I think we have more than our fair share of bad cyclists in Oxford. . .not all are bad riders but those that are , invariably lycra clad ninjas on two wheels, are an absolute menace, who's actions - undertaking,ignoring red lights, not stopping at junctions/roundabouts, ignoring no entry streets by cycling along them the wrong way and other misdemenours- often see all cyclists tarred with the same brush.

Cycling is purported to be healthy exercise for the individual.. cycling isn't all that healthy if basic safety, rules of the road or common sense are not applied by some of them

A number plate would go part way to identifying those who break the law ,push thier luck and cause incidents/accidents

I'd welcome cyclists having to have at least 3rd party insurance too

I agree. Insurance and number plates should be a national policy. Kids could be covered under their parents policies etc.
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