Ultimately my post has said that the ULTRAS protest had caused a reaction and yet I don't know why Tiger would either be hurt or upset with the banners being placed upside down, as suggested by Karl Robinson.
He has treated the fans in my opinion badly. He has failed to listen to well minded supporters who have offered advice and support, supporters who have done nothing but support him in public and others who have done so behind closed doors. He has absolutely brought this situation upon himself. He has dragged our credibility through the dirt.
He has allowed this management team to steer our club towards League 2 & allowed Karl to behave in a manner not befitting of our manager. He has allowed them to recruit their chums & in the process make a mockery of our recruitment. He has allowed decisions like travelling to Bury on a Monday afternoon, stay in overnight accommodation when the club struggle to pay bills. Then today, our idiot manager, suggests he has decided to change up our away routine and we'll try travelling on the day to Burton, like most football clubs do at this level (someone's had a word with Karl no doubt).
That said, I will absolutely defend Tiger on player/squad investment. He has put his hand in someones pocket, for Whyte, Branagan, Dickie, Hanson, Holmes, Carruthers, Sykes, Graham and now, Sinclair. There is a pot of cash he's quite happy to spend on the first team. He needs to make sure the club has money to do the day to day stuff.
I ended my original post with a thank you. Thank you to the LADS AND LASSES who make up the Ultras for actually getting him to wake up and perhaps, just maybe, start taking on board what good fans are telling him.
My prediction remains, that Karl Robinson will not be our manager come the Summer (regardless of 18 months of awful league position and criminally under-performing his budget) and the sooner Tiger listens to those around him, the better.