Current Player #30 Owen Dale

🎶 Owen Dale, Owen Dale, Owen Dale, Owen Dale oooh ooh ooohhhh🎶

To this tune

🎶 Owen Dale, Owen Dale, Owen Dale, Owen Dale oooh ooh ooohhhh🎶

To this tune

When I saw this it thought it was to the tune of Robin Hood 🤣
Owen Dale, Owen Dale, running down the wing.
Owen Dale, Owen Dale, makes the punters sing.
Etc etc.
Genuinely didn't think I could cry anymore after these last few days, but this broke me! Footballers are heroes and role models to so many, but it's easy to forget that most are still very young men, often miles away from home, where every action is ripped apart and criticised by others. None of us know what they're going through and we can all be a little kinder with what we say and write about them at times.
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