New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

On this day of good news and converts to the cause Councillor Miller and dear old Steveopedia I wonder who will be next
Mr Middleton, Vicky,Suzy?

Probably not and certainly not the Bain of our lives The Oxford Mail

In Vickys letter re the letter sent to an OUFC fan she says the Mail didn’t name FoSB and was right to do so.
And when commenting on the redactions by CDC they can’t help but get two anti stadium messages out, one by KPC and the other Gant

I’m beginning to wonder if the editor has connections in North Oxford and is pulling the strings
Just wait for the latest piece on the signing of the lease.
Middleton, KPC or Mc Ivor will have a say

It stinks

Sorry to go on about this but in any other town/city the local media would be right behind it. Yes there would be balance but here even with positive news the balance is just not there.
One of them definitely admitted to having an insider at the Fail.
there is none firstly she said the reason why they have a po box is because of all the hate mail and now its hate mail in emails. wouldnt you if the oxford mail had come calling gone yes we fosb have also received nasty emails/letters also


If I was them, I would have gone running to the media straightaway with evidence of hate Mail or abusive messages. Make a fuss and show what a horrible lot OUFC fans are.

Since they haven’t, they either don’t think it’s worth their time or they haven’t had anything noteworthy at all.

More FOSB twaddle.

If I was them, I would have gone running to the media straightaway with evidence of hate Mail or abusive messages. Make a fuss and show what a horrible lot OUFC fans are.

Since they haven’t, they either don’t think it’s worth their time or they haven’t had anything noteworthy at all.

More FOSB twaddle.
The nerve of Vicky to suggest it's a "false flag" is outrageous.

They have not received any hate mail. It's a total red herring.

They are desperate and about to lose the war.
The nerve of Vicky to suggest it's a "false flag" is outrageous.

They have not received any hate mail. It's a total red herring.
Yes it is outrageous. And nobody suggested it came from FoSB from what I saw, it was more being concerned that they didn't come out immediately and condemn it, obviously they decided to wait 2 weeks and try to make a political point about it.
Yes it is outrageous. And nobody suggested it came from FoSB from what I saw, it was more being concerned that they didn't come out immediately and condemn it, obviously they decided to wait 2 weeks and try to make a political point about it.
Also why can we never find these letters from FoSB on the OM website? Is that another trick their editor friend pulls off?

The war is nearly won. Soon these ridiculous people will be a distant memory.
Any local fence sitting councillors congratulated the club yet?

If that smug prick Gant does, he's getting called out.

Any congratulations from our friends in the Liberal Dumbocrats? Nothing from ArroGant or Layla Moron yet.
given that this is a public forum and there's concern about abuse from Oxford United fans I think it would be advisable for some on here to moderate their language

lots of reasons to be positive about the club at the moment. Lets not give anyone reasons to think negatively about us.
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I would have thought after today's news it would be worth starting a charm offensive on the Lib Dems (rather than batter them for not doing this or that sooner). Clearly there is a lot of positivity around OUFC right now, and as we've seen, the Lib Dems will get on board with anything if they think it gives them a political advantage.

I wrote back to Dan Levy earlier thanking him for getting the lease signed and urging him to join "the rest of Oxfordshire" in coming to Wembley. He responded and thanked me for getting in touch.

It feels like now is not the time to hold grudges, but instead to get everyone on the positive bus!

On the other hand, maybe I'm being naïve.
I know that there was some suspicion over feet-dragging by councillors in advance of the local elections to avoid having to come down on one side of the fence (pro or anti stadium) that explained the delay in signing HoTs/the lease itself. As those suspicions now seem to have been borne out, given the lease has now been signed within a week of the results of those elections, would it be too optimistic to conclude that there is wider-spread support on the council, at an individual level, than we had anticipated? And that the fence-sitting was to avoid possibly turning away neutral voters?

For myself and I suspect many others it’s the deliberate delaying tactics by certain councillors. Because each delay threatens the very existence of our club, and the most damming thing is that those councillors know it.

Head of Terms and now the lease signing could and should have been signed 6 months ago.

Miller will undoubtedly try and spin it by saying nothing got signed until now because they needed to get everything right first.

But the timing is pretty clear, he didn’t want to say what he has just said before the local elections because it would have affected the LD vote in a negative way, the North Oxford Set and his Green Party chums would not have been happy.

We’re not there yet though, this is just another hurdle overcome, the conclusion of CDC planning meeting is the biggie.

However having said all of that, today’s announcement is good news.
For myself and I suspect many others it’s the deliberate delaying tactics by certain councillors. Because each delay threatens the very existence of our club, and the most damming thing is that those councillors know it.

Head of Terms and now the lease signing could and should have been signed 6 months ago.

Miller will undoubtedly try and spin it by saying nothing got signed until now because they needed to get everything right first.

But the timing is pretty clear, he didn’t want to say what he has just said before the local elections because it would have affected the LD vote in a negative way, the North Oxford Set and his Green Party chums would not have been happy.

We’re not there yet though, this is just another hurdle overcome, the conclusion of CDC planning meeting is the biggie.

However having said all of that, today’s announcement is good news.

Lucky for us, them not signing the heads of terms and the lease hasn't really delayed us. The planning application has been going full throttle without these in place.

Now like you said the Lib Dems have won more seats in the local elections with their slightly against and sitting on the fence approach as they knew that was the best chance to win over the people who come out to vote they can revert to supporting the move now their seats are safe.
Fantastic news that a legal binding agreement has been made.

There are three groups of people that have made this happen. Firstly, @SwissYellow and all of those who contacted their MPs and local councillors. The elections may not have appeared to change much, but there had been a huge amount of interest from some of the key party figures at a national about local dissatisfaction. All three parties are targeting Bicester and Woodstock at the next GE, and they realised that tens of thousands of passionate football fans are more important that a handful of nimby bigots. I expected some local figures to be moved aside, but maybe a few words have been exchanged that explain the change in direction and the softening of the approach from a few.

Secondly, OUSP and OxVox have both been working incredibly hard behind the scenes and through formal and informal conversations with key officials. I know that many have questioned why we haven't got a single fans group, but the opportunity to double up on communication has ensured that we can get an influence at different levels which continues to pay off.

And thirdly, the club have been working exceptionally hard on this, and my understanding is that Tim Williams has been very influential in discussions with both councils and wider stakeholders. I know he's not everyone's cup of chai, but credit where it is due. I would add that the work that Jon Clarke and Niall McWilliams have also done should not be underestimated either. We've been lucky to have some really good people on board with this.

And I guess finally, we should not ignore the impact that everyone has had since the fans forum only a couple of months ago. If someone had said then that we'd be on the brink of promotion, after several home games which had seen the atmosphere as good if not better than anything we've ever seen at the Kassam, with the stadium project looking very positive, with improved comms and social media, and with the Chair and CEO really stepping up - you'd have been laughed out of the room!

But the turnaround, on and off the pitch, and in pretty much every aspect of this club, is night and day with how it was before that forum. Credit to everyone for bringing this club back to life. These last couple of months have felt like we're truly UNITED and long may that continue.
Does the fact that everything has been agreed with OCC suggest that both parties have come to an agreement regarding travel arrangements, road restrictions etc? Or does the club still need to explore this area and offer solutions which are acceptable to OCC and the CDC planning department? Clearly the lease itself still has to be signed and that will only be done if (when) we get planning permission and all the other conditions have been met.
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