National News When was the last time you..........


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
..spent cash? Real cash. The folding stuff, coins that type of stuff.

Me? I can`t remember..... :oops:
I found a pound coin in my coat pocket no idea how long it had been there or what I must have spent for it to end up there, equally can’t remember when I wrote a cheque
Today! But that's the first time for months. Oh, and what is a cheque? Don't have them in Flatland any more.
Does the quid in the supermarket trolley count as you get it back?

Wednesday evening at the petrol station for me as I had some folding money on me, in fact I think petrol stations are the only place I have spent cash since March.

When we could go out drinking but you had to pay on apps my bank statement was taking up about 15 pages because of all the £4 payments for each pint being listed separately though, had to remember to hide that from the missus.
Yesterday, fish and chips for two on the front at Aberystwyth. £12.40. Card machine not working.

Jolly nice too.
Fishmonger, his card s**t was broken, 2 weeks ago. And one of my walking footy groups before lockdown. And weed dealer, still doesn't take Visa.

He needs to get iZettle or Sumup.... the dealer that is... not the fishmonger.
You're lucky you've been able to use cash.
I just flicked though my cheque book stubs. I've had to write cheques to the window cleaner, the decorator, the newsagent, Mrs HG's chiropodist (Age UK) and hairdresser, the U3A, and the Office of the Public Guardian.
I'm beginning to feel like one of Marty Feldman's four yorkshiremen (ask your parents).
Yep , I brought Chestfield Super Kings today .... with £20 note. A well it’s a special day Saturday 😏
Yesterday, fish and chips for two on the front at Aberystwyth. £12.40. Card machine not working.

Jolly nice too.
The one opposite the pier? Was there a couple of months ago and the fish and chips were as good as we'd had in a very long time!!
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